Luso Pirotecnia

Over the last 25 years, Luso Pirotecnia has defined itself as one of the world leaders of the fireworks industry. Through the achievement of some of the most spectacular performances in Portugal and abroad, Luso gained its fame through the quality of the display and the constant innovation which has been rewarded in the most famous competition around the world. The team has traveled over 26 countries to share its passion and light up the skies of the most diverse events: EURO2004, FIFA tournament, Singapore National days, Madeira New Year’s Eve Celebration, Eurovision Song Contest, just to name a few.

Beside shows and display, Luso Pirotecnia has been manufacturing and exporting pyro products for years to Asia, America, Europe and Africa. Besides offering TRADITIONAL PORTUGUESE SHELLS and ROMAN CANDLES, the CLOSE PROXIMITY PRODUCT LINE of Mine, Comet and Shell is now available and used in theme park, international sport events and large-scale ceremonies. These perfected one-shot items are now CAPLESS, LOW SMOKE and ECO-FRIENDLY. Our one-shot items are available with their own sliding base and are compatible with other sliding base available in the market.

The position of Luso Pirotecnia is clear, to create and develop new techniques and new products to ensure unforgettable moments and answer the highest standards of the industry.

Simulation Catalog
Total Number Of Items928
Items Per Effect Type
ground 8
candle 192
cake 3
comet 4
mine 86
single_shot 196
shell 439
Example Part Numbers Example VDLs Example Descriptions
LP.FCG507210VK7 Shot 2.0 DUR Violet Kamuro Mine w/ 2.0 LFT Bombette Violet Kamuro CandleMine Roman Candle 049mm Violet & Kamuro Shell (7 shots)
4.1.R. Shot 2.5 DUR Mine Small Very Sparse Sparse Very Bright Very Bright Crackling Crossette CandleMine Roman Candle 049mm Crackling Crossette (8 shots)
4.4.S.08.C.08.02Shell Blue CometSpherical Shell 075mm Blue Comet
4.4.U.08.C.10.09Shell Violet w/ Gold TailSpherical Shell 075mm Violet w/ Trunk
4.1.R. Shot 2.5 DUR Mine Small Very Sparse Sparse Very Bright Very Bright Pink Crossette CandleMine Roman Candle 049mm Pink Crossette (8 shots)
4.4.T.08.C.04.08Shell Waterfall RedCylindrical Shell 075mm Cores de Chuva Red
4.4.S.10.C.08.10Shell Cyan CometSpherical Shell 100mm Cyan Comet
4.4.T.05.C.10.01Shell YellowCylindrical Shell 050mm Yellow
4.1.R. Shot Orange CandleRoman Candle 049mm Orange (8 shots)
4.4.U.20.D.10.02Shell Blue w/ Very Bright Very Bright Gold TailSpherical Shell 200mm Blue w/ Trunk