Real-time visual simulation
Unlimited effects
My effects
Supplier catalogs
List of all supplier catalogs →-
Create/edit effects by typing Visual Descriptive Language (VDL)
Create custom simulations
Create wheels, girandolas, line rockets, and lance set pieces
Automatically write VDL to create a cake from a selection of single shot effects
Break apart cakes
Automatically write VDL to create a chain from a selection of shell effects
Create chains manually by typing VDL
Unlimited positions
Unlimited cues
Inventory management
Manual inventory management
Manual inventory management
Import effects and inventory quantities from a spreadsheet, Microsoft Access database, or Show Director EFX file.
Finale Inventory integration
Requires Finale Inventory subscription
Requires Finale Inventory subscription
Offline effect databases
Shared company effects list
Requires 2 users
Import effects from Finale Business HBS files
Import Quotas
Every major firing system
Pyro only, no DMX
Pyro only, no DMX
Dance of Fire
Fire Control G2
Pyro only, no DMX
Pyro only, no DMX
Fire Pioneer
Pyro only, no DMX
Pyro only, no DMX
Pyro only, no DMX
View documentation →-
Export only, no panel download
Export or download to panel
Export or Download to panel
Pyro only, no DMX
Pyro only, no DMX
Export only, no panel download
Export or Download to panel
Export or Download to panel
Pyro only, no DMX
RJ Equipamentos
Pyro only, no DMX
Generic CSV
Pin Board
Drone show visualization
Add racks for show
Add racks individually
Add racks for selected events
Delete all racks
Delete and re-add racks for show
Create rack
Edit rack
Select events missing rack assignments
Clear rack assignments of selected events
Clear all rack assignments
Renumber all racks consecutively
Load effects with firing system addresses into racks
Re-load selected effects from script into racks
Rack counts
Graphical rack layout (drag & drop racks)
Screenshot → -
Rack diagrams (PDF)
Site layouts (PDF)
Screenshot → -
5 basic report templates. PDF only
33 comprehensive report templates. PDF, XLSX, TXT, CSV
33 comprehensive report templates. PDF, XLSX, TXT, CSV
Pinboard Cue Sheet
Product List by Position
Product Totals
Pull Sheet
Wiring Script
Chain Specifications
Rack List
Rack Setup
Rack Totals
Safety Distance
Size Totals
Spotter Script
Angle Counts Per Module
Angle Counts Per Position
Angle Counts Per Rack
DMX Fixture Setup
Effect Collection Product Report
Modules Per Position
Product List By Position
Product List By Storage Location
Product List By Storage Location With Addresses
Product List By Storage Location With Positions
Product Summary Per Position
Rack List By Rack Cluster
Rack List By Rack Type
Setup By Module
Setup By Part Number
Setup By Position
Setup By Position (Finale Business Format)
Single-Shot Setup By Module With Pan Tilt Angles
Single-Shot Setup By Module With Pitch Roll Angles
Single-Shot Setup By Rack With Pan Tilt Angles
Single-Shot Setup By Rack With Pitch Roll Angles
15 label templates
45 label templates standard labels + chain and rack labels
45 label templates standard labels + chain and rack labels
Austab CL33 A4 25.4mm x 70mm
sorted by part number only
sorted by part number, address, position, or size
sorted by part number, address, position, or size
Avery 5163 2in x 4in
sorted by part number only
sorted by part number, address, position, or size
sorted by part number, address, position, or size
Avery 5195 2/3in x 1-3/4 in
sorted by part number only
sorted by part number, address, position, or size
sorted by part number, address, position, or size
Avery 5260 lin x 2-5/8in
sorted by part number only
sorted by part number, address, position, or size
sorted by part number, address, position, or size
Avery 52671/2in x 1-3/4in
sorted by part number only
sorted by part number, address, position, or size
sorted by part number, address, position, or size
Avery DPS30-100 A4 29.7mm x 70mm
sorted by part number only
sorted by part number, address, position, or size
sorted by part number, address, position, or size
Avery L4737 A4 29.6mm x 63.5mm
sorted by part number only
sorted by part number, address, position, or size
sorted by part number, address, position, or size
Avery L7158 A4 26.7mm x64mm
sorted by part number only
sorted by part number, address, position, or size
sorted by part number, address, position, or size
Avery L7160 A4 38.1mm x 63.5mm
sorted by part number only
sorted by part number, address, position, or size
sorted by part number, address, position, or size
Dymo 30252 roll l-l/8in x 3-l/2in
sorted by part number only
sorted by part number, address, position, or size
sorted by part number, address, position, or size
Dymo 30252 roll rotated l-l/8in x3-l/2in
sorted by part number only
sorted by part number, address, position, or size
sorted by part number, address, position, or size
Dymo 30336 roll lin x 2-l/8in
sorted by part number only
sorted by part number, address, position, or size
sorted by part number, address, position, or size
Dymo 30336 roll rotated lin x2-l/8in
sorted by part number only
sorted by part number, address, position, or size
sorted by part number, address, position, or size
Label Planet LP33/53 A4 22mm x 54mm
sorted by part number only
sorted by part number, address, position, or size
sorted by part number, address, position, or size
Label Power LP33 A4 25.4mm x 70mm
sorted by part number only
sorted by part number, address, position, or size
sorted by part number, address, position, or size
Custom reports and labels
Music & soundtracks
One audio track per show, import a multi-song soundtrack created outside Finale 3D
Unlimited audio tracks per show, import individual songs and edit soundtracks directly in Finale 3D
Unlimited audio tracks per show, import individual songs and edit soundtracks directly in Finale 3D
Add SMPTE timecode to soundtrack
Add FSK timecode to soundtrack
Mute left or right audio channel during playback
Sync timeline to external timecode input
Align songs on the timeline based on their timecode
Analyze audio file and provide timecode statistics
3D models
Background images & scenery
2D backdrop images
2D backdrops, sky dome & ground images, reflective water and terrain
2D backdrops, sky dome & ground images, reflective water and terrain
Add a 2D backdrop image
Darken images to transform daylight into night
Add custom sky dome image
Add custom ground image
Add reflective water
Draw gentle hills
Draw steep hills
Draw giant mountains
Carve valleys in hills
Flatten hilly area into plateau
MP4 video export
720p Maximum, personal (non-commercial) use only
4k Maximum, unrestricted personal and commercial use
Long exposure photos
Photos from front view only
Photos from any perspective
Photos from any perspective
Google Maps (2D & 3D imagery)
Screenshot → -
360° design view
3D camera animation
Scripting tools
Insert empty cue
Insert effect
Replace effect
Angles > Make into fan
Angles > Mirror angles
Angles > Straighten
Angles > Rotate cakes 180 degrees
Sequences > Make into sequence
Sequences > Spread out evenly
Time adjustment > Set time
Time adjustment > Shift times
Time adjustment > Stretch duration
Reorder > Reverse order
Tracks > Set track
Chains > Combine as chain
Chains > Break apart chain
Chains > Set chain delays
Chains > Set chain angles
Choose effect
Insert multiple effects
Angles > Make into forward/backward fan
Angles > Make into zigzag
Angles > Invert angles
Angles > Tilt +5 degrees
Angles > Tilt -5 degrees
Angles > Rotate +90 degrees
Angles >Rotate -90 degrees
Sequences > Spread out accelerating
Sequences > Spread out with ease in/out
Sequences > Spread out based on effect durations
Letters > Make into matrix letters
Letters > Make into vertical letters
Time adjustments > Add time variance
Time adjustments > Speed up cadence at end
Time adjustments > insert minimum separation
Time adjustments > Re-align cues to their event time
Reorder > Randomize order
Tracks > Set track to next available number
Tracks > Set tracks based on groups sequentially
Align nearly equal effect times
Align at earliest effect time
Align at earliest event time
Align at latest effect time
Align at latest event time
Align event times to frame rate
Align effect times to frame rate
Hide/unhide items in script
Duplicate selected effect(s)
Duplicate into pairs
Duplicate into flights
Duplicate into chains
Duplicate with offsets
Duplicate again with same offsets
Group items to organize the timeline and script
Import script functions
Import scripts from Cobra CSV, Generic CSV, Finale Business HBS
Import scripts from Explo SHW, FireOne FIR, Galaxis GS2, Pyromate SmartShow, Pyrotronix PTX and Show Director SCX
Export functions
Export soundtracks (WAV)
Export any report as a PDF, XLSX, TXT or CSV file.
PDF only
Export any window as XLSX, CSV, or TXT file
Export voice cues track
Export effects in multiple formats including Finale 3D, Finale Inventory, XLSX, CSV and TXT
Export script as Show Director CSV
Export all show data tables as combined CSV
30 sorting options + 1 wiring option for modules
Wiring options limited by lack of graphical rack layout
Limitless sorting options, wiring options for modules, stats, pins and racks
Allow multiple e-matches on each pin
Choose start module
Lock & unlock addresses
Re-address selected positions
Fill down addresses in script window
Create addressing blueprint
Edit addressing blueprint
Address show using single blueprint
Address show using blueprints assigned to positions
Set custom module specification
Universes (unique firing systems)
Sections (set of positions that share modules)
Multiple module types
Multi-lingual support
Show startup template
Window layout presets
1 window layout, no custom presets
3 built-in layouts + 3 custom presets
3 built-in layouts + 3 custom presets
Custom table layouts
No custom table layouts
Unlimited custom table layouts
Unlimited custom table layouts
Print batches of PDF reports, labels, & diagrams
Update Per-show effects
Paste clipboard into effects window, add or update
Delete unreferenced Per-show effects
Custom Effect collection presets
Inventory productivity features
Copy on hand quantities to quotas
Copy available quantities to quotas
Subtract used quantities from available
Subtract used quantities from quotas
Break apart assortment quotas
Clear quotas
Unlimited Undo/Redo
Cut, Copy and Paste, Select all
7 'Paste special' commands for events, songs and models
5 'Select special' commands for events and positions
Keyboard shortcuts
Learn more → -
Set show information
Set show duration
5 Effect time formats
8 Timeline snap-to resolutions
4 Angle format conventions
Display addresses with dash between rail and pin
11 Position layout snap-to resolutions
10 Cue flag and script row color mapping options
4 Module counts and pin warning dot label options
7 Pin counts on positions label options
4 Module counts on position label options
Hide trajectory dots when not selected
Draw trajectory dots instead of effect simulations
Draw chains on timeline as multiple rows
Hide playback clock
Snap cues and events
Disable speed of sound delay
Disable price indicator in design view
Loop playback
Automatically create position groups
Hide all position rulers
Hide position arrow in rack layout view
Add a position
Rename positions
Add multiple positions simultaneously
Rotate and orient positions in any direction
Straighten line of positions
Lengthen or shorten line of positions
Scale arrangement of positions
Project positions on their down axis to nearest surface
Raise positions to match the highest
Set position heights
Raise position heights
Arrange positions into a line, circle, square or grid
Select next position
Select previous position
Select positions by name
Create position group
Lock positions in place
Hide position name labels
Fix position names (invisible effects)
Render settings
9 different currency symbols
Chain price is for entire chain
Chains count as one in 'used' and 'quantity' columns
Show ruler distances in feet instead of meters
Use A4 page size for all reports and diagrams
Easy racks settings
Set click action for effects window
Set click action for other windows
Set timeline playback scrolling margin
Set timeline right margin for editing
Set timeline response for clicking row in script
Turn voice cues ON for playback
One voice cue per track
Disable UI sound effects
Paste events with rail, pin, and rack addresses
Use 'cost' instead of 'price' for total amount shown in 3D view
Swap insert empty cue and play keys (i and space)
Add racks with smallest on the left
Disable automatic rack part number annotations
Reverse tube loading order on alternating racks
Hide cue flags entirely unless selected or hovered over
Hide cue flag numbers unless selected or hovered over
Timeline waveform uses flat colors