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Tell us about the fireworks you use in your shows, and we’ll build simulations for them in Finale 3D.
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What are your favorite brands of consumer fireworks to use in shows?
76ProLineAAHAFWBIGBlack MarketBOOMWOWBright StarBrothersCutting EdgeDominatorFirehawkFishermanFlashingForwardGrand patriotGreat GrizzlyHammer and Anvil FireworksHappy FamilyKing BirdLegendLiberty BellMad OxMagnusMega BangerMysticalPhantomPowerhouse FireworksPyro DemonPyro KingPyro PlanetPyro Spec Pro GradeRaccoonRed LanternRed RhinoRGSSheltonShogunShotgunSky BaconSky KingSupremeTNTTopGunWindaWorld Class
What are your favorite cakes to use in shows?*
Cake 1
Cake 2
Cake 3
Cake 4
Cake 5
Cake 6
Cake 7
Cake 8
Cake 9
Cake 10
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Are there any other brands of fireworks you would like simulations for?
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