Available Effects Quantity Update

Home English Available Effects Quantity Update

Pyro_112610000 2023-02-16 17:32:35
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  • Pyro_112610000
    Joined: Sep 2022
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    I updated my available effects qty in my effects. I can’t figure out how to get my per-show effects to update with the corrected available quantity.



    Joined: Dec 2019
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    Hi Pyro_112610000, I’m sorry, I don’t understand what you’re trying to do. It sounds like you’re trying to get the ‘Available’ quantities that are shown in My Effects to appear in Per-show effects. But that doesn’t make sense. So, maybe you mean that you’re trying to subtract the quantities used in Per-show effects from the Available in my effects? Can you give me a bit more detail?

    Joined: Sep 2022
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    I updated the quantities of items I have “Available” in “My Effects”. When I am on the “Per-show” effects page it doesn’t show the correct number of “Available” effects. I am wanting to see the updated quantities of my inventory reflected when I’m on either of the effects pages. Right now it is still showing I’m short on effects on the “Per-show” page because the “Available” quantity is still showing zero. I just assumed it would be consistent without having to manually change each item quantity on each page.

    Joined: Dec 2019
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    There’s no reason you can’t populate the Available column in Per-show effects, but it’s not linked to the Available column in My Effects because it’s just not meant to work that way. The Available column in My Effects is meant to represent the total quantities available for all shows, whereas Per-show effects only represents the products used in the show that is currently open. You’re welcome to use the columns however you like, I’m just not sure why you would need the available quantities duplicated in two places.


    If the quantities you’re entering are for a single show, then there is another column specially for this situation, it’s called “Quota”. While the Available column in My Effects is meant to represent all quantities available for all shows, the Quota column is specifically meant to store the quantities for a specific show. For this reason, the Quota column can only be edited in Per-show effects, and the values are automatically displayed in the Quota column in My Effects. If you change a quota in Per-show effects, it changes in MY efforts. Quotas can by typed, or you can import them from a spreadsheet with two columns (Part Number and Quantity).

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