Creating a Comet Pistol effect in a break

Home English Creating a Comet Pistol effect in a break

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  • Walker Pyrotechnics
    Joined: Dec 2021
    Posts: 35
    Location: Vicksburg, MI

    Can anyone help me with creating this cake?


    I am struggling to get the single comet effect in the peony break.


    Dirk Enders – PyroOffice
    Joined: Nov 2018
    Posts: 48
    Location: Frankfurt / Germany



    i always tell my customers that for only a planning they should not spend so muchh time creating exact effects or implement all effects that they have. Just implement the effect tha you need in a basic way. the reason is simply – a lot of effects that are on your list will never be used again and it takes a lot of time to create them. And you should start simple because you save time and after a while you will get better and better and it will than be much easier and faster for you to tune your existing effects. Thats being said – the effect cannot be done wit vdl, you must use the effect editor.

    Here is a video that show you how to do that :



    The gerat thing about the new editor is also that you can copy the resulting visual description frem the top effect node and past it over to a new generated efefct. So you can send the text instead of a fin file to a friend.  Here is the description:


    (effect 1.7pft (shot 30mm (launch shell 30mm 29.5m (star (phase rising 7.5mm 1.7s (trail fuse 7.5mm (spark fuse gold 1mm)) (smoke trail 7.5mm (smoke puff 7.5mm))) (break 30mm 1.7pft 26.3m (star (phase 3mm 0.6s (tip green 3mm) (smoke trail 3mm (smoke puff 3mm)))) (sound burst 30mm)) (break 76.2mm 1.76pft {starCount 1} (star (phase rising 30mm 0.2s {durationKappa 0} (tip red 30mm) (trail slightly thick 30mm (spark silver 1mm)) (smoke trail 30mm (smoke puff 30mm)))))) (sound mortar 30mm)) (launch ground mortar flame 30mm 2m (star (phase mortar flame 30mm 0.05s (flame trail mortar flame 30mm 2m (flame puff mortar flame 1mm)) (smoke trail mortar flame 30mm 3m (smoke puff mortar flame 30mm)) (trail charcoal mortar flame 30mm 3m (spark charcoal mortar flame 0.3mm))))) (launch ground mortar spark 30mm 4m (star (phase mortar spark 30mm 0.05s (trail charcoal mortar spark 30mm (spark charcoal mortar spark 0.1mm)))))))


    Just put it in a clipboard, create a new simple effect , open the effect editor and paste it over to the top effect node and you are done !




    Walker Pyrotechnics
    Joined: Dec 2021
    Posts: 35
    Location: Vicksburg, MI




    i always tell my customers that for only a planning they should not spend so muchh time creating exact effects or implement all effects that they have. Just implement the effect tha you need in a basic way. the reason is simply – a lot of effects that are on your list will never be used again and it takes a lot of time to create them. And you should start simple because you save time and after a while you will get better and better and it will than be much easier and faster for you to tune your existing effects.

    Scripting my shows and creating a catalog of effects, even consumer effects is part of the fun for me, and honestly, why I pay for Finale 3D. I am not interested in just placeholders. If I wanted that, I would just stick with Cobra Show Creator which is much cheaper for scripting purposes. I try to create a realistic effect for each item I script, whether I will use it once or over and over. I have attempted to create this shell in the effect editor, which is why I came to these boards to ask for assistance.


    Also, your effect design is nothing but a simple pink rising tail comet.


    Dirk Enders – PyroOffice
    Joined: Nov 2018
    Posts: 48
    Location: Frankfurt / Germany



    i didn’t want to blame you – that was not my intention. But my experience is that a lot of people try to be perfect from the beginning and spend to much time with such things. And so i wrote it here because other people reading this to and if you are a beginner this could be a good tip.  Back to the effect:

    Did you create the effect as i showed in the video or did you use the posted effect description ? Of course – this is only one effect of the cake you want to create. And of course , you should try  to optimize it. So for example , teh second break taht we inserted is to big and the timing of the  break should be set to the same time as the first break .  It should only show you how to create the peony with one comet in it. Now you must create all different effect colors used at the cake, then place the created effects on the timeline and combine it as a cake.


    I used the latest release for my video – maybe there are problems if you use an earlier/older release.



    Joined: Dec 2019
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    Hi Walker Pyrotechnics, happy to help. To make this effect look really good, you definitely want to use the effect editor. As a base effect, I started with, White Strobe Peony w/Purple w/Gold Palm Pistil. Then I jumped into the effect editor and started tweaking. I made a lot of tweaks but the most important change was to adjust the number of stars on the Gold Palm ‘break’ node down to 1. Here’s the custom sim, let me know what you think!




    In Finale 3D, do Ctrl+G and paste in all the text above including the curly braces {}

    Walker Pyrotechnics
    Joined: Dec 2021
    Posts: 35
    Location: Vicksburg, MI

    Drew, that looks great! Thanks

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