Finale3D LITE version

Home English Finale3D LITE version

Rovira 2022-02-13 19:27:04
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  • Rovira
    Joined: Oct 2020
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    Location: barcelona

    Finally there is  a more afforfable version of finale for those who are not pro and only use the program as a game.

    I would like to know which are the differences  between the hobbyist and the lite version.

    Can I still make videos?

    This week i will download the trial version and share my opinions here. If the main features are available on the lite version (4K video, unlimited effects and positions, music editon and some other)   i will probably buy it.

    Joined: Dec 2019
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    Hi Rovira, to see a detailed feature comparison for all Finale 3D versions, visit:


    Pro is the only version that renders 4K videos. Hobbyist is limited to 720p and Lite does not render videos.

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