fireTEK show name in exported script

Home English fireTEK show name in exported script

Blackbat 2024-04-24 16:31:23
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  • Blackbat
    Joined: Jun 2019
    Posts: 7
    Location: United Kingdom

    The first row in the most recent v4 format of the fireTEK csv script should contain “##<show name>”, so that the name of the show being fired is displayed on the firing controller screen. When Finale3D exports a csv script file for fireTEK, rather than using the show name from the show information dialogue it appears to use the saved script file name. As the file normally has to be called “script.csv” , the first line in the script ends up being “##scriptcsv” when exported from FInale3D.

    I was wondering if this is by design, or whether it is a small bug in the script creation for fireTEK exports. It can be manually changed after the csv is exported, but it would be nice if it used the “show name” parameter from the show information dialogue.

    Joined: Dec 2019
    Posts: 607
    Location: United States

    Hi Blackbat, pulling the show name from the Finale 3D show information into the fireTEK V4 script header sounds like a nice improvement. Looping in my colleague Will (who does the software development for firing systems) to get his insight.


    Will, what do you think?

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