Hi All – I noticed the VDL in Winda’s catalog for Criss Cross wasn’t accurate so I tweaked the VDL to better match the performance (Single rising crossette vs. shell of crossettes):
0.75″ 16 Shot Cake (a) Red Crossette + (b) Pink Crossette + (c) Orange Crossette + (d) Green Crossette, 8 Rows, Row 1 (ab/STR/0.52), Row 2 (2.21/cd/STR/0.86), Row 3 (1.72/ab/STR/0.91), Row 4 (2.0/cd/STR/1.6), Row 5 (2.55/ab/STR/0.36), Row 6 (0.75/cd/STR/0.42), Row 7 (1.6/ab/STR/0.07), Row 8 (0.2/cd/STR/0.1)
Shout with any suggested improvements.
I’ll post a few other consumer cakes as I work on them.