Increase VDL “Input Description” Text Box?

Home English Increase VDL “Input Description” Text Box?

Pyro_87130000 2022-06-27 16:36:56
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  • Pyro_87130000
    Joined: Apr 2022
    Posts: 1
    Location: United States

    Hi all,


    Curious if it is possible to increase the VDL Input Description text box size?  Every time I’m testing and adjusting a new effect, I have to constantly scroll left and right in that single-line entry box.  Would be SO MUCH easier if this was an adjustable paragraph sized box you can see and edit the VDL input within.

    Joined: Dec 2019
    Posts: 557
    Location: United States

    Hi Pyro_87130000, I completely understand. This is definitely something we will improve in the long-term. In the meantime, one trick you can use to preserve your sanity is to hold the Ctrl key on your keyboard and then press the left and right arrow keys to move the cursor through your description. By going this, the cursor will jump one word at a time, instead of one character at a time. You can also use the Home and End keys on your keyboard to jump to the beginning or end of your description.





    P.S. Don’t forget to head over to your My Profile page to update your display name to something personal instead of Pyro_87130000 and add a profile picture.

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