Previous Sims not translating well to new version

Home English Previous Sims not translating well to new version

bozie8823 2023-09-28 02:22:38
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  • bozie8823
    Joined: Oct 2019
    Posts: 3
    Location: Dayton, Ohio, United States

    Hey gang,  I have a slew of custom sims created in late 2022 and early 2023 who’s launch heights aren’t translating at all with new changes to the backend.  I don’t recall this being an issue with the release I was on this spring.  The Effects Editor seems to have undergone an overhaul since this time as well.

    Joined: Dec 2019
    Posts: 557
    Location: United States

    Hey Bo, updates should not change the appearance of your custom sims. If the update is the culprit, then this is a bug.


    Please send me a show file with just a few broken effects on the timeline. We call this a ‘Minimal Test Case’, MTC for short. Please also let me know the build ID for the release you’re running now in which the effects look bad, and the build ID for the release you were running previously in which the effects looked good. The build ID is in the filename for each installer and can be found in Finale 3D by going to ‘File > View account details’. If you’re not sure what build you were running previously, install previous full releases until you find one in which the effects look good.


    As soon as I can reproduce the problem, we’ll get to work.

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