Bug? timeline duration lost when combine as group

Home English Bug? timeline duration lost when combine as group

PyroBunny 2024-07-03 04:14:27
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  • PyroBunny
    Joined: Jun 2023
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    Location: Redmond, WA

    I’m having a problem where i’m trying to combine multiple slices in the editor.


    VDL: 30mm 31.0m 0.20 PFT 13 Shot Fan 90 Degrees Brocade Comet + Red Mine To White Strobing Willow Shell (1 Row)


    Individually, the duration shows in the timeline. When I “combine as group”, only the PFT is shown, the rest of the duration disappears from the timeline.


    Before combine:

    before combine



    After combine:

    after combine

    Joined: Jun 2024
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    Hey PyroBunny,


    Thanks for the information on this and especially for including such a detailed report with screenshots.


    We’ve reproduced the problem on our end and can confirm that it’s not caused by any error on your part. The behavior you described does indeed produce the unexpected result and we’ll be looking for an opportunity to fix this in a future update.


    The good news is that this is only a visual discrepancy with the timeline indicator and doesn’t actually affect your sims or script, so hopefully it’s not too annoying for now.

    Joined: Jun 2023
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    Any ETA for when this bug will be fixed?

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    Hi PyroBunny,


    After more review and discussion, it turns out this is a complex behavior to adjust. It’s on our list of things to improve when we can but I don’t currently have an ETA for you.


    To explain what’s happening a little better, when you group effects that have a duration value of 0, the visual indicator in the timeline gets shortened to 0 seconds even though the visual simulation actually lasts longer —  grouped effects show the duration value only, whereas ungrouped effects show the full visual simulation duration.


    This doesn’t actually change the simulations or their true durations, but I understand it can be confusing to see the timeline indicator represent durations differently depending on whether effects are grouped or not.

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