How to do the delayed small blue multi salute effect with Pyroland’s Forged (PYL1812) ?
Is it possible with simple VDL?
My go at it:
1″ 30 Shot Cake (a) Very Thin Gold Mine w/ 0.8 LFT Very Dense Strobing Gold Brocade + (b) 0.8 LFT Gold Willow w/ Small Blue Salute 6 Rows, Row 1 (1.0/aaaaa/3.0), Row 2 (2.0/bbbbb/0.2), Row 3 (2.0/aaaaa/3.0), Row 4 (2.0/bbbbb/0.2), Row 5 (2.0/aaaaa/3.0), Row 6 (2.0/bbbbb/0.2)