Rack Layout Configuration settings
Joined: Dec 2019 Posts: 4 Location: United States NewcomerI am looking for the properties for the rack layout window. If possible I would like to change the settings for grid size, snap to(if it exist), and try to find the setting for selection of rack clusters. My office mate has something turned on when he selects a rack cluster a nice big colored box shows up that show some information on the racks selected.
DrewFinaleJoined: Dec 2019 Posts: 557 Location: United States SilverHi Pyro_22430000, thanks for posting!
The grid size in the racks window is a function your zoom level, the grid spacing isn’t currently customizable. The only setting that affects the grid is File > User settings > Show ruler distances in feet instead of meters.
You mentioned snapping so I think I should not that racks snap to other racks. Racks don’t snap to the grid.
If you’re not seeing colorful rack cluster outlines and rules when dragging and dropping racks, the problem is most likely that you’re not running the latest version of Finale 3D. Make sure you’re running the latest release from http://finale3d.com/download and give it another try. If you’re not sure what build you’re running, you can check in File > View account details.
Pyro_22430000Joined: Dec 2019 Posts: 4 Location: United States Newcomer -
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