Rack type

Home English Rack type

Moises Luis Exposito 2024-08-09 10:21:04
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  • Moises Luis Exposito
    Joined: Nov 2019
    Posts: 21
    Location: United States

    Normally I use the rack type column to indicate to the company the type of rack. We do this process manually and we have our own system.

    I do not understand why if I change an effect (for example mine red for mine green) the information in this previously assigned column disappears.



    Joined: Dec 2019
    Posts: 528
    Location: United States

    Hey Moises Luis Exposito, when an item in the script is replaced with a new effect, all of the parameters of the new effect are added to the script (including the Rack Type). If the new effect does not have a Rack Type Default in the effects window, then the Rack Type in the script will be blank. If you add a Rack Type Default value in the effects window, then that value will be copied to the script when you do the replacement. It’s not possible to preserve a Rack Type in the script when an item is replaced with a new effect; the rack type of the new item will always replace the rack type of the old item.

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