Script rearranged itself?!?

Home English Script rearranged itself?!?

Kristine Ernzen 2022-06-10 21:38:50
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  • Kristine Ernzen
    Joined: Apr 2022
    Posts: 9
    Location: Waynesboro, Virginia, United States


    We are almost completely finished with our 4th of July show.  We saved the show, closed Finale and then remembered something we needed to add.  Opened up Finale and noticed that all the rails and pins are in numerical order, such as Rail 1 Pin 1, Rail 1 Pin 2 throughout the entire script.

    Everything else about the script is in the right order – The 1st event is at the correct time, correct angle, correct position and has the correct notes through all 400+ events but the Rails and Pins are all completely wrong.


    We closed the program, did not save when asked – Finale gets stuck at the message “closing unnamed show” and eventually shuts down.  We then tried to reopen the show and it looks the same with the wrong rail/pin modules. We are running Lite.





    Kristine Ernzen
    Joined: Apr 2022
    Posts: 9
    Location: Waynesboro, Virginia, United States

    Figured it out!! – User error!

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