Totalling Errors?
Jonathan S.
Joined: Mar 2021 Posts: 8 Location: Raymond, Alberta, Canada Newcomer
I’m having some problems with the script window and getting the numbers shown in the list on my various positions to show the accurate number in brackets. For example, I have a position called “2 Shells”, which says 2 Shells (36). This number is accurate in when I sort by this position it shows me 36 cues in that position list. This is the case for many of my positions, the number in brackets accurately matches the listed cue items for the position. See image for what I’m describing. However I get down to 6 of my mine and comet positions called “MC_####_#” and the numbers in brackets on those are way off. MC_LEFT_A (97) says 97 items for that position but when sorted by that position you can see that the cues only show 89 items. I’ve tried hiding and unhiding all items and I just can’t seem to get the numbers in those MC position brackets to add up correctly. Am I missing something, is it counting something else I’m not aware of?
Joined: Dec 2019 Posts: 607 Location: United States Silver
Hi Pyro_46140000, welcome to the Finale 3D community forum and thanks for posting! Be sure to head over to your My Profile page to customize your display name and profile picture.
I think what’s throwing you off is that the number of rows in the Script window doesn’t always correlate to the number of events, cues, effects, etc. This is because a single row in the Script window can represent more than one item. For example, in your second screenshot, if you look at the description on line 88, you’ll see that it says “(3) Silver Tiger Tail C…”. This means that the row represents three items. Multiple items can be visually consolidated into a single row in the Script window if they are either chained or grouped. If you prefer not to see chains or groups as single rows, your can go to the blue gear in the Script window and turn off ‘Show one row per chain’ and ‘Show one row per group’.
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