Celtic Fireworks
Celtic Fireworks Ltd is a supplier of high-quality fireworks to the
trade. Their range includes professional fireworks and retail
fireworks and can be shipped worldwide direct from China.
Simulation Catalog
100mm | 113 |
125mm | 91 |
12mm | 2 |
13mm | 1 |
14mm | 52 |
150mm | 74 |
16mm | 3 |
175mm | 12 |
18mm | 7 |
19mm | 1 |
20mm | 93 |
25mm | 76 |
30mm | 476 |
38mm | 8 |
40mm | 75 |
44mm | 6 |
45mm | 2 |
48mm | 1 |
49mm | 40 |
50mm | 4 |
59mm | 7 |
65mm | 16 |
75mm | 105 |
3" | 1 |
N/A | 22 |
Total Number Of Items | 1288 |
Items Per Effect Type
ground | 23 |
other_effect | 2 |
candle | 131 |
cake | 612 |
mine | 9 |
single_shot | 107 |
shell | 404 |
Example Part Numbers | Example VDLs | Example Descriptions |
CS60679 | Gold Willow w/ Small Crackling Pistil | Gold titanium willow with crackling pistil |
CS50555 | Blue Peony w/ Small Sparse White Palm Pistil | Blue peony with white palm pistil |
CC1278 | 156 Shot (a) Rising Whistles To Glittering Strobing Red Cake, 13 Rows, Rows 1,2,5,6,9,10,13 (a), Rows 3,4,7,8,11,12 (0.7/a) | centre out Whistle tail spit red strobe |
CSL5028 | 5 Shot Green Glittering Tail w/ Green Strobing Mine Fan Cake (1 Row) | Green glitter tail w/green glitter mine fan |
CC1641 | 30mm 70 Shot Cake (a) Charcoal Palm w/ Very Small Crackling Peony + (b) {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}, 1 Row (-36a0/-24a/-12a/0a/12a/24a/36a/-36b/-24b/-12b/0b/12b/24b1/36b3247/-36a0/-24a/-12a/0a/12a/24a/36a/-36b/-24b/-12b/0b/12b/24b1/36b3079/-36a0/-24a/-12a/0a/12a/24a/36a/-36b/-24b/-12b/0b/12b/24b1/36b3066/-36a0/-24a/-12a/0a/12a/24a/36a/-36b/-24b/-12b/0b/12b/24b1/36b3148/-36a0/-24a/-12a/0a/12a/24a/36a/-36b/-24b/-12b/0b/12b/24b1/36b/CAK) | 70s Fan. Gold coconut and crackling bursts and mines |
CC1043 | 100 Shot Cake (a) Strobing Red Mine + (b) Very Sparse Very Short Strobing Gold Willow w/ Sparse Blue w/ Blue Tail, 10 Rows, Rows 1,3,5,7,9 (aaaaaaaaaa/FNL), Rows 2,4,6,8,10 (bbbbbbbbbb/FNT) | Red strobe bouquet blue tail gold strobe willow &blue I & Z firing |
CC0172 | 30mm 30.00s 100 Shot (a) Very Sparse Strobing Silver Waterfall No Trail Fan Cake (10 Rows) | 100s FAN. Silver Blink Waterfall |
C370 | 49mm White Strobing Mine To Report Single Shot | 49mm White strobe mine with many reports. |
CC1567 | 20mm 16 Shot Cake (a) Rising Silver Whirls To Red Wave Go Getter Comet + (b) Rising Silver Whirls To Blue Wave Go Getter Comet, 1 Row (0a1467/b/a/b/a/b/a/b/a/b/a/b/a/b200/a/b/CAK) | FLUFFY. 16 shot cake. Silver twirling tails rise up and conclude with an explosion of either red of blue coloured stars. RETAIL |
CC1587 | 30mm 49 Shot Cake (a) 40.0 HTM Gold Wave Comet + (b) 40.7 HTM Red Falling Leaves + (c) 40.7 HTM Green Falling Leaves, 1 Row (-30a0/-20b/-10a/0b/10a/20b/30a4585/-30a0/-10a/10a/30a37/-20c0/0c/20c4691/-30a0/-20b/-10a/0b/10a/20b/30a4437/-30a0/-10a/10a/30a37/-20c0/0c/20c4510/-30a0/-20b/-10a/0b/10a/20b/30a4338/-30a0/-10a/10a/30a37/-20c0/0c/20c4362/-30a0/-20a/-10a/0a/10a/20a/30a/CAK) | 49s. Gold tail spit red falling leaves, gold tails spit green falling leaves. |