Fireworks Factory

The Fireworks Factory

The Fireworks Factory, located in Rockyford, Alberta, was established in 2002 to provide wholesale fireworks to Canadian distributors. They have grown to be one of the largest wholesale suppliers in Canada. They have recently opened our full service retail division, which can offer the individual shooter all their fireworks needs. If you want indoor, outdoor, family, professional, public and private displays, The Fireworks Factory can do it for you. Their unblemished safety and customer satisfaction records are second to none. Whether you want a professional big buck display or just a few fireworks for a back yard show, They have the solution for you.

Retail & Wholesale Fireworks Sales

The Fireworks Factory imports and distributes display and consumer fireworks, from manufacturers located in China, Spain, and Italy.

Training & Certification

The Fireworks Factory is an accredited provider of the Display Fireworks – Safety and Legal Awareness course. This course is required by the Explosives Regulatory Division in order to obtain your certification as a Display Assistant.

Insurance Options

The Fireworks Factory carries comprehensive liability insurance and can extend that coverage to our customers. An Accidental Death and Dismemberment Policy is made available through CVIS, Inc..

Simulation Catalog
Total Number Of Items59
Items Per Effect Type
cake 59
Example Part Numbers Example VDLs Example Descriptions
FF25C30M0225 Shot White Glittering Mine w/ And Blue Above Z Shape (5 Rows)Star Wars
FF100C30M02100 Shot White Strobing Waterfall w/ Red To Strobing White Waterfall w/ Strobing White Mine Cake Z Shape (10 Rows)Knight's Tale
FF100C25M008100 Shot Cake (a) Strobing White Mine w/ Blue Above + (b) Strobing White Mine w/ Red Above + (c) Sparse Strobing White Peony w/ Red Peony w/ Blue Peony Z Shape, 10 Rows, Rows 1,2,3,4,5 (aaaaaaaaaa), Rows 6,7,8,9 (bbbbbbbbbb), Row 10 (cccccccccc/0.5)Incadescent
FF25C45M01-2025 Shot (a) Cylinder Very Sparse Short Brocade Crown w/ Sparse Dark To Gold Tip Crackling w/ Brocade Tail Cake, 5 Rows, Rows 1,2,3,4,5 (aaaaa/0.3)Devil's Gate
FF100C29M01-37100 Shot Cake Brocade To Blue To Red w/ Silver Crackling Tail + (b) Brocade To Green w/ Silver Tail (10 Rows)Stetson Sonar
FF25C45M01-2225 Shot (a) Cylinder Sea Blue Sparse Coco w/ Rising Sea Blue Whistles Tail Cake, 5 Rows, Rows 1,2,3,4,5 (aaaaa/0.4)Alamo
FF100C32 - 64408100 Shot Cake (a) Cylinder Red Dahlia w/ Red Gold Tail + (b) Cylinder Green Dahlia w/ Green Gold Tail + (c) Cylinder Silver Very Sparse Dahlia w/ Silver Tail No Trail + (d) Cylinder Sparse Dark To Gold Aerial Crackling + (e) Titanium Salute w/ Silver Tip Silver Tail, 10 Rows, Row 1 (aaaaaaaaaa/0.8), Row 2 (bbbbbbbbbb/0.9), Row 3 (cccccccccc/0.9), Rows 4,5,6 (dddddddddd/0.7), Rows 7,8,9,10 (eeeeeeeeee/0.6)Typhoon
FF100C32 - 64455100 Shot Cake (a) Long Gold Comet + (b) Long Gold Mine, 10 Rows, Rows 1,3,5,7,9 (aaaaaaaaaa/CTO/1.0), Rows 2,4,6,8,10 (bbbbbbbbbb/FNT)Bellini
FF100C32 - 64495100 Shot Cake (a) Long Gold Mine + (b) Gold Comet Z Shape, 10 Rows, Rows 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 (aaaaaaaaaa), Rows 8,9,10 (0.8/bbbbbbbbbb/FNT)Tequila Sunrise
FF100C30M1650 Shot Cake Cylinder Very Sparse Short Dark Gold Dahlia To Popcorn Crackle w/ Red Tail + (b) Cylinder Very Dark Gold Short Dahlia To Popcorn Crackle w/ Green Tail (10 Rows)Rampaging Riot