Software Documentation

Software Documentation

Firing SystemsDocumentation

Integration Intermediate Last updated: January 1, 2022

34 PyroSure

To create and export a script for the PyroSure firing system, please follow these steps:

  1. Address the show (“Addressing > Address show…”).
  2. Export the firing system script (“File > Export > Export firing script(s)…“).
  3. Import the script into your PyroSure controller.

To export a DMX or DMX + pyro script, please see Flame systems basic instructions and Exporting a firing system script for flame systems for further instructions.

The PyroSure script file is a text file with a “WYH” extension.  While it is possible to open this file in a text editor, the file is not meant for humans to read or write.  It contains only the data that the controller requires for shooting the show.  For pyro, most PyroSure users will not need to concern themselves with the file format described in this section. DMX setup and configuration are complicated, so you may want to examine the script visually to ensure it represents what you expect. The file format described in this section provides the necessary details.

Figure 1 – PyroSure firing system

Table 1 – File format and encoding

File format Extension Text encoding Field delimiter End-of-line
Text .WYH ASCII Comma LF

While still a text file and somewhat human readable, the PyroSure script format includes multiple sections in different formats.  It is not a simple header row, followed by a sequence of firing events.  The format of the sections is described below.  Beginning with an overview of notable characteristics of the system, the special characteristics of the script are shown here:


Table 2 – Special characteristics

Special characteristics Description
What do firing rows represent Each firing row (called “event record” in the specifications below) in the script represents a unique firing event: a module/slat/pin/event-time combination, or a unique DMX event.  For example, a chain of five shells will be one row, not five.  A pair of shells shot together from the same pin will be one row, not two, even if the shells are different effects.  The event record represents all of the effects triggered by a single electrical pulse on a pyro pin or single DMX module/channel event.

Whilst multiple effects at the same module/slat/pin/event-time may be consolidated into the same event record, the event records themselves are sorted by their effect time (i.e., their event time plus the prefire time of the earliest effect of all effects consolidated into the event record). For example, if 3″ and 5″ effects were ignited by the same pin, both effects would would be consolidated into the same event record, and the event record would have the effect time of the 3″ effect, which breaks earlier than the 5″ effect. For consistency, the event record would also have the prefire time of the 3″ effect, creating the proper time relationship between the event time and effect time of the event record.

Event records are sorted by their effect time, so it is possible in this representation for an ordered sequence of event records to represent a non-ordered sequence of event times. As an example, consider an ignition of a 5″ shell, quickly followed by an ignition of a 3″ shell. The 5″ shell ignition is thus earlier than the 3″ shell ignition by a small amount, and if we assume the 5″ prefire is somewhat longer than the 3″ prefire then the 3″ shell will break before the 5″ shell. The effect time of the 3″ shell’s event record is thus earlier than the 5″ shell, and the 3″ shell will be sorted first in the event records array, even though its event time (ignition time) is later than the 5″ shell’s event time.

Time resolution The PyroSure system supports hundredths of a second resolution.
Module numbering PyroSure requires that module numbers for the show start with 1 and advance sequentially, with no gaps in the sequence.  If you use the “Addressing > Address show…” function and you don’t set the Start Module of any positions, then Finale 3D will automatically generate a consecutive sequence of module number addresses for your show, as required by PyroSure.  If you do set the Start Module of various positions, as you need to for DMX shows, then Finale 3D will add dummy “Gap filling module” events at the end of the show to the “old data” firing rows and “new pyro data” section section to create any missing module references in the sequence.
Special ASCII characters The file is ASCII characters, with fields separated by comma. All printable ASCII characters are permitted in the fields except comma, which is filtered out by Finale 3D‘s exporter. The double quote and backslash characters are permitted in strings in the script, and are not escaped.  In the format specifications described below, “string” means a sequence of ASCII character as is, not surrounded by double quotes.
Backward compatibility with the “old” format The “old” format for PyroSure scripts is still usable in newer systems. So, for backward compatibility, Finale 3D will export the “old” format for PyroSure scripts if the show does not contain any DMX events. If the show does contain DMX events, then the “new” format is exported because it is the only format capable of representing the DMX events.
(semi-automatic firing)
PyroSure supports semi-automatic firing with individually triggerable tracks.  The script exported from Finale 3D will be semi-automatic if it uses the module types designated as “Semi-Auto” in the module type name.  The segments of the show (called “Segments” in PyroSure) are designated by the “Track” field of script rows in Finale 3D.

Tracks may be integers 0-999 or letters followed by integers in that range (example: “1” and “Trk1” are both okay).  If the show is “Semi-Auto” please ensure that all events have an assigned Track.

In the Finale 3D script, please arrange the track segments in order, with no interwoven or overlapping events.  Separate tracks in DMX scripts therefore need separate safety channels.

Effect times for Semi-automatic shows In PyroSure scripts for semi-auto shows, the effect time of events in a track are relative to the earliest effect time in the track, taking into consideration both pyro and DMX events globally — except for the first track, for which the effect time is relative to the earliest event time in the track, taking into consideration both pyro and DMX events globally.  Thus if a show were to contain only pyro events or only DMX events, then all its tracks after the first would begin with an effect time of zero, but its first track would begin with an effect time equal to the prefire time of its first effect.  This pattern is harder to see in shows containing pyro and DMX events together because the track’s pyro and DMX events are listed separately in the script, but the times they are relative to take both groups of events into account, globally, in order for the pyro and DMX tracks to be synchronized when triggered at the same time.
Module types PyroSure modules all have 24 pins, distributed through six slats of four pins each. Finale 3D has separate module type options for standard pyromusical and semi-automatic scripts. The module types are: Pyrosure Standard Script Module, PyroSure Semi-Auto Module. Please select the standard module types for all the modules in your show if you are scripting a standard pyromusical; and select the semi-automatic module types if you are scripting a semi-automatic show. The “Track” field in Finale 3D script rows is used to break up semi-automatic show into its tracks (also called “Segments”). The track field is ignored for standard pyromusical scripts.

PyroSure modules may or may not have DMX capabilities. The DMX-capable modules are essentially two-in-one modules, supporting pyro ignitions and DMX output, as explained more fully here.

Slats Each PyroSure module distributes its ignition pins using 4-pin slats. Thus a full firing system pin address includes a module number (1-99 for the “old” pre-2019 system and 1-255 for the “new” 2019 system), slat letter(A-F), and pin number (1-4).
DMX support Each DMX-capable PyroSure module is capable of serving an independent DMX universe, or a DMX universe shared with other modules having the same module address.  The “Module Address” field in the script row indicates the module number for pyro ignition events and corresponding DMX universe for DMX events.   See Table 2 in  Exporting a firing system script for flame systems for details.
DMX representation in the script DMX event records contain an event start value (0-255), event end value (0-255), and duration measured in 100ms time units (approximately 25 seconds maximum).  If the duration is non-zero, the controller will output a DMX signal ramping from the start value to the end value over the specified duration.  If the duration is zero, the controller will ignore the DMX end value, and will output the DMX start value, which will persist until the next DMX event for the same channel.

In scripts exported by Finale 3D, simple DMX effects with duration (see below) are represented as pairs of rows, an ON row at the beginning of the effect and an OFF row at the end.

DMX resting state The PyroSure system does not require the at-rest DMX channel values to be zero, which is beneficial for stateful DMX devices like flame units with rotating nozzles, for which it is inefficient to return the nozzle to a resting angle in between two shots at the same angle, if that same angle is different from the resting angle.
DMX “Reset” events In the DMX section of the PyroSure script at the beginning of each track, the first cue must contain an initial DMX event record for every module/channel referenced anywhere in the show (any segment, any cue). If the designed show does not include an explicit DMX event in the first cue of a track for a module/channel that is referenced elsewhere, then an imputed “Reset” event in the first cue is required for the purpose of setting the initial value to zero. Finale 3D‘s exporter automatically adds these “Reset” events.

When you export a firing script for PyroSure, Finale 3D presents an “Export Options” dialog with the option to export a Standard Script or Semi-Automatic Script, as shown in Table 3.


Table 3 – Export options

Option name Description
Script Type Choose one Standard Script or Semi-Automatic Script.


The PyroSure script format is comprised of four sections.   The “old” script format contains only the first two sections.  The “new” script format contains all four.  There are also some differences in the header between the old and new format.

  1. Header
  2. Old data
  3. New pyro data
  4. New dmx data

The header section consists of the nine lines defined in Table 4.  The header refers to “Pyro Cue Records,” “Pyro Event Records,” “DMX Cue Records,” and “DMX Event Records” that follow in the data sections later in the file.  The “cue records” are records identifying unique effect times with which events are associated. Cue records relate to separate sequences of pyro events and DMX events, not intermixed.  The “event records” are records identifying a pyro pin ignition or DMX event that occurs at the time of a cue record minus a prefire time.

Table 4 – Header section specification

Line Description
1 Four fields: project name (string), designer name (string), number of modules referenced by the “old data” firing rows (int), number of Pyro Event Records (int)
2 Variable number of fields (1 + 2 * N fields, for N = number of tracks): number of tracks (int), track #1 music filename (string), track #1 button number (int), track #2 music filename (string), track #2 button number (int), …
3 Duration of show in the format, MM:SS.DD
4 Number of Pyro Cue Records (int)
5 If “old” format, this line is blank; if “new” format, this line contains five fields: number of tracks (int), number of Pyro Cue Records (int), number of Pyro Event Records (int), number of modules referenced by pyro or DMX event records (int), duration of show in hundredths of a second (int)
6 If “old” format, this line is blank; if “new” format, this line contains five fields: number of tracks (int), number of DMX Cue Records (int), number of DMX Event Records (int), number of used unique DMX module/channel addresses (int), duration of show in hundredths of a second (int)
7 Blank
8 Blank
9 Blank


The “old data” section follows the header.  This section is present in both the “old” and “new” formats.  The old data consists of a list of firing rows representing unique module/slat/pin/event-time combinations, sorted by effect time.  The firing rows are defined in Table 5.

Table 5 – Specification of “old data” firing rows

Field Description
Cue Unique effect time count, beginning with 1 and advancing with each new effect time (int)
Track Track button number, a number from 1-1000 identifying a segment in a semi-auto shows; or 0 for standard pyromusical shows (int)
Effect time Effect time in the format, MM:SS.DD. (Please see comment about effect times in semi-auto shows in Table 2, above.)
Prefire time Prefire time, represented as a floating point number with one or two digits to the right of the “dot” radix point (float)
Module Module number, 1-99 (int)
Slat Slat letter, A-F (upper case character)
Pin Pin number, 1-4 (int)
Effect description Description of the effect (string)
Effect size Caliber of the effect, such as 3″ or 75mm (string)
Angle Angle of the effect in degrees, with up = 0 and right = 90 and left = -90 (int)
Position name Position name (string)
Note Anything (string)


The third and fourth section of the PyroSure script contain the pyro data and DMX data separately.  The sections have the same basic structure, though there are some differences in the event records.  Table 6 shows the pyro data, which is the third section.


Table 6 – Specification of “new pryo data” section

Subsection Description
Delimiter (One line) ********F********
Segment records array (N records as separate lines, for N = number of tracks as specified in line 2 of the header) Each record consists of the index into the Pyro Cue Records array of the first cue record of the track (int), followed by the music filename for the track (string), followed by a blank field.  If the show  is not a semi-automatic show, then it contains one default segment (written as, “0,,”).
Pyro Cue Records array (N records as separate lines, for N = number of Pyro Cue Records as specified in line 5 of the header, and also line 4 of the header) Each record consists of the effect time of the cue in hundredths of a second (int), followed by the index into the Pyro Event Records array of the first event record associated with the cue, i.e., whose event time equals the cue record’s effect time minus prefire time (int), followed by a blank field.
Pyro Event Records array (N records as separate lines, for N = number of Pyro Event Records as specified in line 5 of the header, and also line 1 of the header) Each record consists of five fields: the quantity (module number – 1 ) * 24 + (slat letter – ‘A’) * 4 + pin number – 1 (int), prefire time in hundredths of a second (int), position name (string), angle in degrees, with up = 0 and right = 90 and left = -90 (int), effect description (string).


The DMX data section is analogous to the pyro data section, with main differences in the event records.  The DMX Event Records array includes “reset” events at the beginning of each track, as specified in Table 2.


Table 7 – Specification of “new DMX data” section

Subsection Description
Delimiter (One line) ********D********
Segment records array (N records as separate lines, for N = number of tracks as specified in line 2 of the header) Each record consists of the index into the DMX Cue Records array of the first cue record of the track (int), followed by the music filename for the track (string), followed by a blank field.  If the show  is not a semi-automatic show, then it contains one default segment (written as, “0,,”).
DMX Cue Records array (N records as separate lines, for N = number of DMX Cue Records as specified in line 6 of the header) Each record consists of the effect time of the cue in hundredths of a second (int), followed by the index into the DMX Event Records array of the first event record associated with the cue, i.e., whose event time equals the cue record’s DMX effect time (int), followed by a blank field.
DMX Event Records array (N records as separate lines, for N = number of DMX Event Records as specified in line 6 of the header) Each record consists of five fields: the quantity ( module number – 1 ) (int), the quantity (duration in 100ms time units * 0x1000000 + DMX event end value * 0x10000 + DMX event start value or DMX event only value if the event has zero duration * 0x100 + DMX event channel) (int), position name (string), angle in degrees, with up = 0 and right = 90 and left = -90 (int), effect description (string).


An example script containing six (6) shells, three (3) DMX safety channel events, and sixty-three (63) DMX flame shots across nine MAGICFX Flamaniac flame units. Please see Exporting a firing system script for flame systems for a full description of this example.


1,0,00:03.58,2.24,1,A,1,White Chrysanthemum,2",0,Pyro-01,
2,0,00:04.08,2.24,1,A,2,Red Chrysanthemum,2",-30,Pyro-01,
2,0,00:04.08,2.24,1,A,3,Blue Chrysanthemum,2",30,Pyro-01,
3,0,00:10.71,2.24,1,A,4,White Chrysanthemum,2",0,Pyro-01,
4,0,00:11.21,2.24,1,B,1,Red Chrysanthemum,2",-30,Pyro-01,
4,0,00:11.21,2.24,1,B,2,Blue Chrysanthemum,2",30,Pyro-01,
0,224,Pyro-01,0,White Chrysanthemum
1,224,Pyro-01,-30,Red Chrysanthemum
2,224,Pyro-01,30,Blue Chrysanthemum
3,224,Pyro-01,0,White Chrysanthemum
4,224,Pyro-01,-30,Red Chrysanthemum
5,224,Pyro-01,30,Blue Chrysanthemum
0,32769,Safety,0,MAGICFX DMX Safety Channel
0,65293,Flame-01,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,65303,Flame-02,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,65313,Flame-03,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,65323,Flame-04,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,65333,Flame-05,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,13,Flame-01,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,65343,Flame-06,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,23,Flame-02,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,65353,Flame-07,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,33,Flame-03,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,65363,Flame-08,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,43,Flame-04,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,65373,Flame-09,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,53,Flame-05,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,63,Flame-06,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,73,Flame-07,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,83,Flame-08,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,93,Flame-09,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,1,Safety,0,MAGICFX DMX Safety Channel
0,32769,Safety,0,MAGICFX DMX Safety Channel
0,65291,Flame-01,0,MAGICFX L45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65301,Flame-02,0,MAGICFX L45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65311,Flame-03,0,MAGICFX L45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65321,Flame-04,0,MAGICFX L45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65331,Flame-05,0,MAGICFX L45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65341,Flame-06,0,MAGICFX L45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65351,Flame-07,0,MAGICFX L45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65361,Flame-08,0,MAGICFX L45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65371,Flame-09,0,MAGICFX L45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65292,Flame-01,0,MAGICFX L22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65302,Flame-02,0,MAGICFX L22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65312,Flame-03,0,MAGICFX L22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65322,Flame-04,0,MAGICFX L22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65332,Flame-05,0,MAGICFX L22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65342,Flame-06,0,MAGICFX L22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65352,Flame-07,0,MAGICFX L22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65362,Flame-08,0,MAGICFX L22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65372,Flame-09,0,MAGICFX L22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65293,Flame-01,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,65303,Flame-02,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,65313,Flame-03,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,65323,Flame-04,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,65333,Flame-05,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,65343,Flame-06,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,65353,Flame-07,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,65363,Flame-08,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,65373,Flame-09,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,11,Flame-01,0,MAGICFX L45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,21,Flame-02,0,MAGICFX L45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,31,Flame-03,0,MAGICFX L45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,41,Flame-04,0,MAGICFX L45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,51,Flame-05,0,MAGICFX L45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,61,Flame-06,0,MAGICFX L45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,71,Flame-07,0,MAGICFX L45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,81,Flame-08,0,MAGICFX L45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,91,Flame-09,0,MAGICFX L45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65294,Flame-01,0,MAGICFX R22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65304,Flame-02,0,MAGICFX R22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65314,Flame-03,0,MAGICFX R22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65324,Flame-04,0,MAGICFX R22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65334,Flame-05,0,MAGICFX R22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65344,Flame-06,0,MAGICFX R22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65354,Flame-07,0,MAGICFX R22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65364,Flame-08,0,MAGICFX R22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65374,Flame-09,0,MAGICFX R22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,12,Flame-01,0,MAGICFX L22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,22,Flame-02,0,MAGICFX L22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,32,Flame-03,0,MAGICFX L22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,42,Flame-04,0,MAGICFX L22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,52,Flame-05,0,MAGICFX L22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,62,Flame-06,0,MAGICFX L22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,72,Flame-07,0,MAGICFX L22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,82,Flame-08,0,MAGICFX L22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,92,Flame-09,0,MAGICFX L22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65295,Flame-01,0,MAGICFX R45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65305,Flame-02,0,MAGICFX R45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65315,Flame-03,0,MAGICFX R45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65325,Flame-04,0,MAGICFX R45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65335,Flame-05,0,MAGICFX R45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65345,Flame-06,0,MAGICFX R45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65355,Flame-07,0,MAGICFX R45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65365,Flame-08,0,MAGICFX R45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65375,Flame-09,0,MAGICFX R45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,13,Flame-01,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,23,Flame-02,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,33,Flame-03,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,43,Flame-04,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,53,Flame-05,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,63,Flame-06,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,73,Flame-07,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,83,Flame-08,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,93,Flame-09,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,14,Flame-01,0,MAGICFX R22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,24,Flame-02,0,MAGICFX R22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,34,Flame-03,0,MAGICFX R22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,44,Flame-04,0,MAGICFX R22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,54,Flame-05,0,MAGICFX R22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,64,Flame-06,0,MAGICFX R22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,74,Flame-07,0,MAGICFX R22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,84,Flame-08,0,MAGICFX R22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,94,Flame-09,0,MAGICFX R22.5 Medium DMX Mode1
0,15,Flame-01,0,MAGICFX R45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,25,Flame-02,0,MAGICFX R45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,35,Flame-03,0,MAGICFX R45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,45,Flame-04,0,MAGICFX R45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,55,Flame-05,0,MAGICFX R45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,65,Flame-06,0,MAGICFX R45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,75,Flame-07,0,MAGICFX R45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,85,Flame-08,0,MAGICFX R45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,95,Flame-09,0,MAGICFX R45 Medium DMX Mode1
0,1,Safety,0,MAGICFX DMX Safety Channel
0,32769,Safety,0,MAGICFX DMX Safety Channel
0,65373,Flame-09,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,65363,Flame-08,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,65353,Flame-07,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,65343,Flame-06,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,65333,Flame-05,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,93,Flame-09,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,65323,Flame-04,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,83,Flame-08,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,65313,Flame-03,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,73,Flame-07,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,65303,Flame-02,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,63,Flame-06,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,65293,Flame-01,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,53,Flame-05,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,43,Flame-04,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,33,Flame-03,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,23,Flame-02,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,13,Flame-01,0,MAGICFX Up Medium DMX Mode1
0,1,Safety,0,MAGICFX DMX Safety Channel

Figure 2 – Example PyroSure script


Table 8 – Example files

Download link Explanation
magicfx_pyrosure_standard.fin Example standard show using PyroSure, MAGICFX
magicfx_pyrosure_standard.wyh Example standard exported script using PyroSure, MAGICFX
magicfx_pyrosure_semi_auto.fin Example semi-auto show using PyroSure, MAGICFX
magicfx_pyrosure_semi_auto.wyh Example semi-auto exported script using PyroSure, MAGICFX