Software Documentation

Software Documentation

Getting StartedDocumentation

Lite Hobbyist Pro Last updated: May 16, 2024

3 Creating and exporting a script for your firing system

Creating and exporting a script for your firing system is basically a four-step process:

  1. DESIGN. Create the show by inserting effects. See Getting Started Basic Instructions.
  2. ADDRESS. Assign firing system addresses for all the effects (“Addressing > Address show”).
  3. EXPORT. Export the script (“File > Export > Export firing system script file(s)“).
  4. DOWNLOAD. Transfer the script file to your firing system controller. Depending on your firing system, the script may be downloaded using a USB flash drive (example: Cobra, Pyrosure, StarFire), or downloaded using the firing system’s software (example: FireOne, Galaxis, Explo), or by downloaded directly from Finale 3D (Pyrodigital, Pyromate).

At a finer level of detail, the first three steps often expand into this list of steps:

  1. Set the show duration and other show information from the “Show” menu.
  2. Layout your shoot site by adding firing positions (“Positions > Add…”) and dragging them on the grass.
  3. Add your music (“Music > Add song or soundtrack”).
  4. Press the yellow play button or the spacebar on your keyboard to place the music, and tap “i” to insert empty cues.
  5. Insert effects by selecting a position, then selecting a time or empty cue on the timeline, then clicking the thumbnail icon for the item in the effects window.
  6. Assign firing system addresses for all the effects (“Addressing > Address show”).
  7. Export the script (“File > Export > Export firing system script file(s)“).
  8. Print a “Wiring Script” report for the crew to set up the show (“File > Reports > Basic reports > Wiring Script”).

Even this deeper level of detail doesn’t include all the functions the software can perform for you, such as making videos, printing labels, or creating rack layout diagrams, but these basic steps are the steps that are common for almost all scripted shows, so they are good starting point.