Software Documentation

Software Documentation

Firing SystemsDocumentation

Lite Hobbyist Pro Last updated: May 15, 2022

22 Mongoose

To create and export a script for the Mongoose firing system, please follow these three steps:

  1. Design the show.
  2. Address the show (“Addressing > Address show”).
  3. Export the script (“File > Export > Export firing scripts“).

Step 3 creates the script file, which is a CSV file that you can import into your firing system.


Figure 1 – The Mongoose firing system


The CSV is a human-readable text file that contains the essential information for a firing system controller to fire the show, in addition to some meta-information (“Event ID” and “Group ID”) that may facilitate optimization on the controller.  The CSV is comma delimited, using standard Excel-style double quote field wrapping as necessary, e.g., a field containing the caliber 3″ is represented as “3””” .


Table 1 – File format and encoding

File format Extension Text encoding Field delimiter End-of-line
Text MIF UTF-8, no BOM Comma CRLF 

The first row in the CSV file is the header row, indicating the names of the delimited fields.  The data rows follow. The special characteristics of the script are shown in the following table:


Table 2 – Special characteristics

Special characteristics Description
Sort order of rows Loosely speaking, rows are sorted chronologically, but the sort order is affected by Track values if present.  More precisely, rows are grouped by their Track values if they have Track values or by common event time (ignition time) if they do not have Track values.   The resulting groups are sorted relative to each other by their earliest row effect time (effect time, not event time), and the rows within the groups are sorted by their event times.  Thus if there are no Track values, the rows are simply sorted by their event times.
What rows represent Each row identifies a unique firing pin ignition (i.e., unique module number, pin address, ignition time), or a DMX command.  If the “DMX Control” field is blank, the row is a firing pin ignition; otherwise the row is a DMX Command and the DMX Control field is an integer identifying what kind of command.
Module types Finale 3D supports both 48 and 24 pin module types, with DMX and non-DMX options.  The 48 pin module type also has a variation that splits the contiguous 48 pins into two slats of 24 pins, A and B.  For this option, the Rail Address in Finale 3D includes both a module number and a slat letter (A or B), with pin numbers relative to the slat.  In the exported script, however, the slat-relative pins (1-24) are converted back to module-relative pins (1-48), and only the module number (“Logical ID”) is included.

mon_48shot – (48 pins)
mon_48shot_dmx – (48 pins + DMX)
mon_2x24shot – (2 slats of 24 pins)
mon_2x24shot_dmx – (2 slats of 24 pins + DMX)
mon_8x6shot – (8 slats of 6 shots)
mon_8x6shot_dmx – (6 shots + DMX)

Special characters Fields include any Unicode characters except tab and newline and other control characters.  Excel-style CSV double quoting is used for double quote and comma within field text.
Hazard groups The purpose of hazard groups is to enable the user to disable sections of the show in real time based on evolving conditions as the show progresses, such as wind direction or a detonation in a rack.  In Finale 3D, a user can tag events in the script as members of hazard groups.  The tags are represented in the “Effect Lockout” field of the exported script.
Tracks Tracks identify a sequence of events that can be triggered in real time by pressing a button on the controller.  A Track value can be any string of characters.  Events that have the same Track value are said to be in the same track.  A show can contain multiple tracks, and can contain gaps between the tracks (i.e., rows without Track values).  A show can begin with a track, or not.  The only restriction with tracks is that they are not interwoven, with events from one track before and after events from another track or gap.

Tracks also affect optimizations in DMX scripts by creating boundaries.  DMX scripts are optimized to remove redundant rows that set a channel value that was already set by a previous row, but this optimization only applies within tracks or gaps.  A row that would be redundant on account of a previous row may not be redundant if the previous row is in a different track or gap.  Each track in a script can only rely on its own rows so tracks can be triggered independently.

Meta-data for optimization The MIF script format includes “Event ID” and “Group ID” to facilitate optimization.  The Event ID field is a unique integer identifying the script row in Finale 3D that is responsible for the generating the script row in the exported MIF script.  For pyro, each script row in Finale 3D corresponds to a single script row in the MIF script, one to one, so the Event ID is not useful for optimizing pyro.  But for DMX commands, a single script row in Finale 3D can correspond to multiple MIF rows.  The Event ID may make it possible to recognize re-used groups of MIF rows and to encode them as a multi-cue on the Mongoose system for efficiency.

The Group ID field is a unique integer identifying a group of effects in Finale 3D (Use “Script > Groups > Combine as group…” or press the G key to create groups).  Like the Event ID field, the Group ID field identifies a group of MIF rows that may be duplicated multiple times in the MIF script, and thus may be a candidate for optimization by representing them as multi-cues.  Each group instance in Finale 3D has its own Group ID.  If a group in Finale 3D is duplicated, the original group and its duplicate will have different Group  IDs.  Thus the optimization requires identifying groups with different Group IDs that have identical rows with respect to the information stored in the multi-cue.

Each script row has the fields shown in Table 3.


Table 3 – Specifications of script fields

Field name Description
Cue The cue count, beginning with one and incrementing at each new ignition time or at each new track group of effects.  The cue count does not increment within a track group of effects even if the effects in the track group have different ignition times.
Event Time The exact time of the firing system’s “ignition event” (application of a voltage to a pin) that ignites e-matches or triggers a sequencer that ultimately leads to the ignition of effects. Format is HH:MM:SS.DDD.
Prefire The delay from the ignition time to the perceived visual effect.  This delay typically includes the lift time (for shells) plus any fuse time between the ignition time and the first launch of the effect.  Format is in seconds with two digits after the decimal point.
Effect Time The time of the first visual effect triggered by the firing system’s ignition event, which is generally the break time for shells, and just a small delay or no delay after the event time for ground effects. Format is HH:MM:SS.DDD.
Duration For pyro, the duration represents the lifetime of the perceived visual effect, which is usually interpreted for shells as the time from break to dissipation of the stars.   

For DMX commands, the duration is either blank, indicating the DMX Start Value should be held indefinitely or until interrupted by another DMX command; or the duration is a time duration, indicating the DMX Start Value should be held for that duration and then changed to the DMX End Value at the end of the duration, or ramped linearly over the duration period from the DMX Start Value to the DMX End Value.  The selected behavior is based on the DMX Control field (see below).   The format of this field is seconds with two digits after the decimal point.

Device Count The number of devices (shells) represented by the row.  May be more than one in the case of chains or multiple e-matches connected to the same firing system pin.  The device count is zero for DMX commands.
Match Count The number of e-matches required for the row.  The match count is zero for DMX commands.
Description The name of the effect.  For DMX events, the description also includes the specific DMX parameter name and offset, such as the phrase following the double slash in this description field for the ignition channel of a one second flame effect:  “SVUFLM2P [011/0017] One Sec Flame // Ignition (+0)”
Size The device caliber.  Format is either a number followed by double-quote for inches or “mm” for millimeters, or the string “NA” or blank for effects for which the caliber term is not applicable.  The size field is blank for DMX commands.
Category The category field of the effect definition in Finale 3D, as defined in the effects window.  Categories can be any text string the user chooses in Finale 3D.
Type The type of effect, as defined in the effects window.  The type value can only be one of the pre-defined, enumerated types defined here: Why is ‘Type’ so important? What depends on it?.
Position The name of the launch position.
Module Type The module type, as described in Table 2.
Logical ID The module number.  The Logical ID also represents the DMX universe.  Please see the discussion of module types in Table 2.
Pin Number The pin number, starting with 1.  Please see the discussion of module types in Table 2.
Angle An ASCII art representation of the angles of the devices on this shot, made with backslash, vertical line, and forward slash characters.
Effect Lockout An identifier for disabling sections of the show in real time during performance.  The value of this field is filled from the Hazard field of Finale 3D and can be any text string.
Notes Firing notes from the script pertaining to this row.
Part Number The part number of the effect.
Track A user-defined identifier for a section of the show, taken from the Track field in Finale 3D.
Event ID A unique number identifying the row in the Finale 3D script that is responsible for this row in the MIF script.  See discussion in Table 2.
Group ID A unique number identifying effects in a group in Finale 3D.  See discussion in Table 2.
DMX Control This field applies only to DMX commands, and is blank for pyro ignitions.  For DMX commands, the DMX Control field is a number 1-3 indicating the interpretation of the duration field as follows:

1 – DmxControlSetStartAndHoldForever
2 – DmxControlSetStartAndChangeToEndAfterDuration
3 – DmxControlSetStartAndRampToEndOverDuration (not yet implemented as of Feb 27, 2021)

DMX Channel Base For DMX commands, this field holds the DMX Channel Base of the fixture to which the DMX command applies.  This field is blank for pyro.
DMX Channel Offset For DMX commands, this field holds the offset from the DMX Channel Base of the DMX command.   The effective DMX Channel of the command is DMX Channel Base + DMX Channel Offset.  This field is blank for pyro.
DMX Start Value For DMX commands, this field holds the start value (0-255) for the command, as controlled by the DMX Control field.  This field is blank for pyro.
DMX End Value For DMX commands, this field holds the end value (0-255) for the command, as controlled by the DMX Control field.  This field is blank for pyro.


The example script below combines pyro and DMX commands, as you can see on the timeline of Figure 2.

Figure 2 – Example show


The yellow bars on the left of the timeline are groups of three flame shots on the Explo X2 Wave Flamer.  The first red bar is a group of 10 pyro effects.   The stack of red bars are a quick sequence of pyro effects.


Cue,Event Time,Prefire,Effect Time,Duration,Device Count,Match Count,Description,Size,Category,Type,Position,Module Type,Logical ID,Pin Number,Angle,Effect Lockout,Notes,Part Number,Track,Event ID,Group ID,DMX Control,DMX Channel Base,DMX Channel Offset,DMX Start Value,DMX End Value
1,00:00:07.252,0.0,00:00:07.252,,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-01,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13774,0,1,10,0,128,
1,00:00:07.252,0.0,00:00:07.252,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-01,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13774,0,2,10,1,255,0
1,00:00:07.252,0.0,00:00:07.252,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-01,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13774,0,2,10,4,165,0
2,00:00:07.592,0.0,00:00:07.592,0.48,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-01,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13774,0,2,10,2,255,0
4,00:00:09.252,0.0,00:00:09.252,,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-02,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13775,0,1,20,0,128,
4,00:00:09.252,0.0,00:00:09.252,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-02,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13775,0,2,20,1,255,0
4,00:00:09.252,0.0,00:00:09.252,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-02,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13775,0,2,20,4,165,0
5,00:00:09.592,0.0,00:00:09.592,0.48,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-02,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13775,0,2,20,2,255,0
7,00:00:11.252,0.0,00:00:11.252,,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-03,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13776,0,1,30,0,128,
7,00:00:11.252,0.0,00:00:11.252,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-03,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13776,0,2,30,1,255,0
7,00:00:11.252,0.0,00:00:11.252,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-03,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13776,0,2,30,4,165,0
8,00:00:11.592,0.0,00:00:11.592,0.48,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-03,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13776,0,2,30,2,255,0
10,00:00:13.252,0.0,00:00:13.252,,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-04,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13777,1,1,40,0,128,
10,00:00:13.252,0.0,00:00:13.252,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-04,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13777,1,2,40,1,255,0
10,00:00:13.252,0.0,00:00:13.252,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-04,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13777,1,2,40,4,165,0
11,00:00:13.592,0.0,00:00:13.592,0.48,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-04,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13777,1,2,40,2,255,0
13,00:00:15.252,0.0,00:00:15.252,,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-05,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13778,1,1,50,0,128,
13,00:00:15.252,0.0,00:00:15.252,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-05,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13778,1,2,50,1,255,0
13,00:00:15.252,0.0,00:00:15.252,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-05,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13778,1,2,50,4,165,0
14,00:00:15.592,0.0,00:00:15.592,0.48,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-05,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13778,1,2,50,2,255,0
16,00:00:17.252,0.0,00:00:17.252,,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-06,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13779,1,1,60,0,128,
16,00:00:17.252,0.0,00:00:17.252,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-06,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13779,1,2,60,1,255,0
16,00:00:17.252,0.0,00:00:17.252,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-06,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13779,1,2,60,4,165,0
17,00:00:17.592,0.0,00:00:17.592,0.48,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-06,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13779,1,2,60,2,255,0
19,00:00:19.252,0.0,00:00:19.252,,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-07,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13780,2,1,70,0,128,
19,00:00:19.252,0.0,00:00:19.252,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-07,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13780,2,2,70,1,255,0
19,00:00:19.252,0.0,00:00:19.252,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-07,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13780,2,2,70,4,165,0
20,00:00:19.592,0.0,00:00:19.592,0.48,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-07,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13780,2,2,70,2,255,0
22,00:00:21.252,0.0,00:00:21.252,,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-08,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13781,2,1,80,0,128,
22,00:00:21.252,0.0,00:00:21.252,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-08,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13781,2,2,80,1,255,0
22,00:00:21.252,0.0,00:00:21.252,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-08,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13781,2,2,80,4,165,0
23,00:00:21.592,0.0,00:00:21.592,0.48,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-08,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13781,2,2,80,2,255,0
25,00:00:23.252,0.0,00:00:23.252,,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-09,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13782,2,1,90,0,128,
25,00:00:23.252,0.0,00:00:23.252,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-09,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13782,2,2,90,1,255,0
25,00:00:23.252,0.0,00:00:23.252,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-09,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13782,2,2,90,4,165,0
26,00:00:23.592,0.0,00:00:23.592,0.48,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-09,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13782,2,2,90,2,255,0
28,00:00:27.490,0.0,00:00:27.490,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-01,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13783,3,2,10,1,255,0
28,00:00:27.490,0.0,00:00:27.490,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-01,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13783,3,2,10,4,165,0
29,00:00:27.830,0.0,00:00:27.830,0.48,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-01,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13783,3,2,10,2,255,0
31,00:00:29.490,0.0,00:00:29.490,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-02,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13784,3,2,20,1,255,0
31,00:00:29.490,0.0,00:00:29.490,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-02,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13784,3,2,20,4,165,0
32,00:00:29.830,0.0,00:00:29.830,0.48,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-02,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13784,3,2,20,2,255,0
34,00:00:31.490,0.0,00:00:31.490,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-03,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13785,3,2,30,1,255,0
34,00:00:31.490,0.0,00:00:31.490,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-03,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13785,3,2,30,4,165,0
35,00:00:31.830,0.0,00:00:31.830,0.48,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-03,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13785,3,2,30,2,255,0
37,00:00:33.490,0.0,00:00:33.490,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-04,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13786,4,2,40,1,255,0
37,00:00:33.490,0.0,00:00:33.490,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-04,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13786,4,2,40,4,165,0
38,00:00:33.830,0.0,00:00:33.830,0.48,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-04,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13786,4,2,40,2,255,0
40,00:00:35.490,0.0,00:00:35.490,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-05,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13787,4,2,50,1,255,0
40,00:00:35.490,0.0,00:00:35.490,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-05,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13787,4,2,50,4,165,0
41,00:00:35.830,0.0,00:00:35.830,0.48,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-05,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13787,4,2,50,2,255,0
43,00:00:37.490,0.0,00:00:37.490,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-06,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13788,4,2,60,1,255,0
43,00:00:37.490,0.0,00:00:37.490,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-06,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13788,4,2,60,4,165,0
44,00:00:37.830,0.0,00:00:37.830,0.48,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-06,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13788,4,2,60,2,255,0
46,00:00:39.490,0.0,00:00:39.490,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-07,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13789,5,2,70,1,255,0
46,00:00:39.490,0.0,00:00:39.490,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-07,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13789,5,2,70,4,165,0
47,00:00:39.830,0.0,00:00:39.830,0.48,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-07,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13789,5,2,70,2,255,0
49,00:00:41.490,0.0,00:00:41.490,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-08,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13790,5,2,80,1,255,0
49,00:00:41.490,0.0,00:00:41.490,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-08,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13790,5,2,80,4,165,0
50,00:00:41.830,0.0,00:00:41.830,0.48,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-08,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13790,5,2,80,2,255,0
52,00:00:43.490,0.0,00:00:43.490,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-09,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13791,5,2,90,1,255,0
52,00:00:43.490,0.0,00:00:43.490,0.82,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-09,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13791,5,2,90,4,165,0
53,00:00:43.830,0.0,00:00:43.830,0.48,0,0,Explo [001] Macro Step RL13 Short,,Explo X2 Wave Flamer,flame,Pos-09,mon_48shot_dmx,1,,|,,,GFX9064,,13791,5,2,90,2,255,0
55,00:00:50.744,0.0,00:00:50.744,2.14,1,1,Red Comet,"2""",2 Assorted,comet,Pos-10,mon_48shot_dmx,1,1,\,,,G2XX1000,,13792,6,,,,,
56,00:00:50.844,0.0,00:00:50.844,2.14,1,1,Red Comet,"2""",2 Assorted,comet,Pos-10,mon_48shot_dmx,1,2,\,,,G2XX1000,,13793,6,,,,,
57,00:00:50.944,0.0,00:00:50.944,2.14,1,1,Red Comet,"2""",2 Assorted,comet,Pos-10,mon_48shot_dmx,1,3,\,,,G2XX1000,,13794,6,,,,,
58,00:00:51.044,0.0,00:00:51.044,2.14,1,1,Red Comet,"2""",2 Assorted,comet,Pos-10,mon_48shot_dmx,1,4,\,,,G2XX1000,,13795,6,,,,,
59,00:00:51.144,0.0,00:00:51.144,2.14,1,1,Red Comet,"2""",2 Assorted,comet,Pos-10,mon_48shot_dmx,1,5,\,,,G2XX1000,,13796,6,,,,,
60,00:00:51.244,0.0,00:00:51.244,2.14,1,1,Red Comet,"2""",2 Assorted,comet,Pos-10,mon_48shot_dmx,1,6,/,,,G2XX1000,,13797,6,,,,,
61,00:00:51.344,0.0,00:00:51.344,2.14,1,1,Red Comet,"2""",2 Assorted,comet,Pos-10,mon_48shot_dmx,1,7,/,,,G2XX1000,,13798,6,,,,,
62,00:00:51.444,0.0,00:00:51.444,2.14,1,1,Red Comet,"2""",2 Assorted,comet,Pos-10,mon_48shot_dmx,1,8,/,,,G2XX1000,,13799,6,,,,,
63,00:00:51.544,0.0,00:00:51.544,2.14,1,1,Red Comet,"2""",2 Assorted,comet,Pos-10,mon_48shot_dmx,1,9,/,,,G2XX1000,,13800,6,,,,,
64,00:00:51.644,0.0,00:00:51.644,2.14,1,1,Red Comet,"2""",2 Assorted,comet,Pos-10,mon_48shot_dmx,1,10,/,,,G2XX1000,,13801,6,,,,,
65,00:00:57.125,0.0,00:00:57.125,2.14,1,1,Red Comet,"2""",2 Assorted,comet,Pos-10,mon_48shot_dmx,1,11,\,,,G2XX1000,,13802,,,,,,
66,00:00:57.225,0.0,00:00:57.225,2.14,1,1,Red Comet,"2""",2 Assorted,comet,Pos-10,mon_48shot_dmx,1,12,\,,,G2XX1000,,13803,,,,,,
67,00:00:57.325,0.0,00:00:57.325,2.14,1,1,Red Comet,"2""",2 Assorted,comet,Pos-10,mon_48shot_dmx,1,13,\,,,G2XX1000,,13804,,,,,,
68,00:00:57.425,0.0,00:00:57.425,2.14,1,1,Red Comet,"2""",2 Assorted,comet,Pos-10,mon_48shot_dmx,1,14,\,,,G2XX1000,,13805,,,,,,
69,00:00:57.525,0.0,00:00:57.525,2.14,1,1,Red Comet,"2""",2 Assorted,comet,Pos-10,mon_48shot_dmx,1,15,\,,,G2XX1000,,13806,,,,,,
70,00:00:57.625,0.0,00:00:57.625,2.14,1,1,Red Comet,"2""",2 Assorted,comet,Pos-10,mon_48shot_dmx,1,16,/,,,G2XX1000,,13807,,,,,,
71,00:00:57.725,0.0,00:00:57.725,2.14,1,1,Red Comet,"2""",2 Assorted,comet,Pos-10,mon_48shot_dmx,1,17,/,,,G2XX1000,,13808,,,,,,
72,00:00:57.825,0.0,00:00:57.825,2.14,1,1,Red Comet,"2""",2 Assorted,comet,Pos-10,mon_48shot_dmx,1,18,/,,,G2XX1000,,13809,,,,,,
73,00:00:57.925,0.0,00:00:57.925,2.14,1,1,Red Comet,"2""",2 Assorted,comet,Pos-10,mon_48shot_dmx,1,19,/,,,G2XX1000,,13810,,,,,,
74,00:00:58.025,0.0,00:00:58.025,2.14,1,1,Red Comet,"2""",2 Assorted,comet,Pos-10,mon_48shot_dmx,1,20,/,,,G2XX1000,,13811,,,,,,

Figure 3 – Example Mongoose firing system script with subsections and hazard groups.


Table 4 – Example files

Download link Explanation
test-mongoose-dmx.mif Example exported file  (CSV)
test-mongoose-dmx.fin Example show file (FIN)