Beta releases disappearing from download page?
Joined: Apr 2019 Posts: 55 Location: San Antonio, Texas, United States Newcomer
I’ve seen this a few times now…a beta release will appear on ‘downloads’ and then just disappear. I understand there may have been an issue found but it would be nice to know why it was pulled especially if it had already been downloaded and installed to check out new features/fixes
Joined: Dec 2019 Posts: 620 Location: United States Silver
Hi NEC, releases are rarely taken down, but it does happen occasionally. The general reason a release is pulled from the download page is that it contains a bug that creates a significant inconvenience for users or it’s simply dead-on-arrival in some way that didn’t surface during testing. In the rare instance where you find yourself running a build that is no longer listed, don’t panic. If the build was taken down because it has a serious issue that could jeopardize a show, the build is flagged in a way that prevents login. In other words, if we take down a build and flag is as being “bad”, you won’t be able to login to it.
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