Black Screen in Rendered Video When No Effects in Progress

Home English Black Screen in Rendered Video When No Effects in Progress

brad 2023-01-27 12:10:56
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  • brad
    Joined: Apr 2022
    Posts: 14
    Location: United States

    Any time I render a video, whenever there are no effects in progress, the left half of the screen is black.  As soon as an effect hits, it renders normally.




    Here is my version info:

    Anyone have a workaround or know the cause?

    Joined: Dec 2019
    Posts: 557
    Location: United States

    Hi Brad, happy to help. Please make a show with a single effect at 5 seconds on the timeline and then render a video from 00:00.000 to 00:10.000 (10 seconds). Send the show and the matching video I’ll try to reproduce the issue using your show. If I can’t, that may suggest something unique about your machine that is causing the problem.

    Joined: Apr 2022
    Posts: 14
    Location: United States

    Email sent with the files you requested.  Let me know if you need anything else, or if there is any more help I can provide.


    – Brad

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