Blueprint Sync

Home English Blueprint Sync

Ulf Werner 2022-04-27 08:36:35
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  • Ulf Werner
    Joined: Nov 2018
    Posts: 38
    Location: Bottrop

    I wish a blueprint synchronisation similar to the syncing of the my effects window.

    Most we working on more than one project until one gets finished. When we improve our report or adressing blueprints cause we need them the first time in another way, they are only saved in this specific showfile. Its a kind of pitty work to copy and paste them ever from specific showfile to several other actual files.

    We already use craet new show from startUp Template but that doenst help in the daily work with more than one Showfile which is still in a editing phase.


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    Hi FOG fireworks + sfx GmbH, great request, thanks for posting. We plan to add this functionality in the future. We envision that you will be able to upload your custom blueprints to your online account and share them with other users in your company. We don’t have an estimated release date for this feature I will take your request as a vote to bump it up on the priority list!

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