editing cakes that were created in vdl
Joined: Jul 2021 Posts: 6 Location: Massachusetts, United States Newcomer
I watched one of your videos on your Youtube channel about creating effects, where you created a 13-shot slice and was able to directly edit in the effect editor. I’m trying to do the same thing now to make minor modifications and it won’t allow it? I get a prompt that states that a cake cannot be edited, only single items can. Is there a way around this, where I can edit cakes in effect editor.
Thank you for any help!
Joined: Dec 2019 Posts: 612 Location: United States Silver
Hi Kevin, the best way to edit a cake is to select it, then go to Effects > Break apart cake. This opens a temporary show with the cake laid out on the timeline as individual shots. From there, you can make any adjustments necessary, then select the shots and recombine the cake.
Can you send over a link to the YouTube video that you watched? It sounds like it might be outdated and needs to be taken down.
Joined: Jul 2021 Posts: 6 Location: Massachusetts, United States Newcomer
Joined: Jul 2021 Posts: 6 Location: Massachusetts, United States Newcomer
Joined: Dec 2019 Posts: 612 Location: United States Silver
Hi Kevin, after you make adjustments, putting the cake back together is easy, just select the shots and go to Effects > Combine as cake…
When you recombine the cake, as long as it has the original part number and you save it in the same collection (e.g. My effects) it will go right back to where is was before you broke it apart. Once the cake is recombined, you can just close the temporary show.
Joined: Jul 2021 Posts: 6 Location: Massachusetts, United States Newcomer
Joined: Dec 2019 Posts: 612 Location: United States Silver
I must then sync to network as well. That way the new effect is saved to my effects, correct. Thank you.
Yes, selecting Sync with network from the blue drop-down list in the effects window or going to File > Sync with network in the main window saves My Effects and downloads the latest version of any supplier catalogs you have enabled in your account.
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