PyroJam Catalogue

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Sean 3 years ago
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    is it ok to change the pre fire time on some of the instant cake slices? if so, when you guys upload the show to your computer will it change back when it syncs to the database?

    Tim Jameson
    Joined: Dec 2018
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    is it ok to change the pre fire time on some of the instant cake slices? if so, when you guys upload the show to your computer will it change back when it syncs to the database?

    Hi Pyro_3200000, sorry I didn’t see this before now.  Why would you need to change the pre-fire time on any of the instant cake slices?


    Denis Morozov
    Joined: Apr 2020
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    Tomorrow is the last day for submitting the program, i.e. until 23.59 on 31.01.22 should I send it?
    What format to send? (.Fin)?
    do i need to adjust the camera?

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    Hi Denis Morozov, you may submit your show anytime before the countdown timer on the PyroJam Competition Page reaches zero, which happens at the end of the day on January 31st. The only file you need to submit is you show (.fin) file. No camera adjustment are needed. To submit your show and enter the competition, complete the PyroJam 2022 Show Submission form.

    Denis Morozov
    Joined: Apr 2020
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    how do I find out if the application has been sent?

    Tim Jameson
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    how do I find out if the application has been sent?


    Hi Denis, you should have gotten an acknowledgment when you submitted.  As long as you got that then it was received.

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    Hi Denis Morozov, we received your competition entry, you are all set!


    There is no email notification, just the confirmation message that appears on the submission page after you complete the form and click the blue ‘Submit’ button.

    Joined: Apr 2019
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    Now that the deadline for the submission has passed.


    I would like to thank for this opportunity the Finale team for this competition, and to Tim Jameson and the PyroJam team. For providing us with spectacular platform on which to build our shows, with a very sizeable budget, a professional and organized site position layout, and an extensive and incredible Pyro effect Catalogue. My best wishes go out to you all.


    DrewFinale Tim Jameson


    Here is a photo from my entry. (It`s my first long exposure photo so be gentle :P)


    PyroJamComp Image 1

    Tim Jameson
    Joined: Dec 2018
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    Sean , thank you so much for the kind words and thank you for submitting an entry.  Nearly 100 entries were received prior to the deadline and we could not be more pleased with the response to our idea.


    The task at hand now is going to be a difficult one….narrowing it down to (3) finalists, but we are working our way through the shows and hope to have all the judges scoring and final decisions by the end of this week.

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    Hi Sean, the pleasure is ours! Thanks for being part of the competition and for starting this great conversation here on the forums. Your photo looks great! If you haven’t already, be sure to enter the monthly photo contest. Voting on the February contest is live now and photos uploaded this months will go live in March.

    Anıl Hepyücel – İzmir Havai Fişek
    Joined: May 2019
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    Location: Izmir, Izmir, Turkey

    Do we have the chance to see videos of all competitors on youtube like previous competitions? I think most of us like me is curious about the entries. 100 entries means a lot of innovative ideas 🙂

    Joined: Dec 2019
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    Do we have the chance to see videos of all competitors on youtube like previous competitions? I think most of us like me is curious about the entries. 100 entries means a lot of innovative ideas 🙂


    Hi Anıl, we don’t plan to post videos of every show, but we will certainly post videos of the 3 shows going to final round. Even so, competitors are of course welcome make videos of their shows and share them here!

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