Single-shot rack, fixed tube angles bug?
Joined: Sep 2020 Posts: 13 Location: Espoo, Uusimaa, Finland Newcomer
Hi all,
I hope you had a great X-Mas.
I run into some strange behavior while trying to add a “Single-shot rack, fixed tube angles” with Number of rows=1, Number of tubes=9, Row tilt=0. I’m able to add the rack but it does not work as expected. If I set Row tilt=30 (as an example) it works just fine. Thus, I suspect that we might have a bug in the software. Or, there is something I do not understand. Please advice.
Joined: Feb 2018 Posts: 59 Location: Palo Alto Newcomer
Hello. Can you explain what you mean but not working as expected? Maybe you could include in your post a screenshot of the “Create rack” dialog that defines the rack with 1 row and 9 tubes and tilt = 0? If possible, try to create a minimal test case show with a single effect in it, which does not load into the rack that you expect it to load into.
Based on your description, I am imagining that if you tilt the effect in the 3D view and have a rack defined with tilt = 30 (the matching tilt) and then re-address, the effect loads into the rack; but if you aim the effect in the 3D view straight up and have a rack defined with tilt = 0 (the matching tilt) and then re-address, the effect does not load into the rack. Do I understand you correctly?
Joined: Sep 2020 Posts: 13 Location: Espoo, Uusimaa, Finland Newcomer
Ok. Let’s share a few more details.
As can be seen from the picture included, I have tried to create three different single shot racks. One with -30 angle, other with 30 angle and third with 0 angle. Looking at the VDL column, the 0 angle does not show up. When Finale3d assigns effects in the show to racks, it assign effects with -30 and 30 to the SSRxx-00 rack. I used to program with C and C++ way back and I suspect that the Create rack dialog is interpreting the input of zero as null and thus making the rest of the software think that angle is not set and thus anything goes. Very easy to fix with a few lines of code.
Joined: Feb 2018 Posts: 59 Location: Palo Alto Newcomer
Hello, I just created a minimal test case with one rack that is the same as yours, and one effect. When I address the show, the effect loads into the rack correctly. So I must be doing something differently from what you are doing. Can you create a minimal test case that reproduces the problem, ideally with only one rack and one effect, and email it to I will compare differences to see what the issue is, and then reply on this thread.
Joined: Feb 2018 Posts: 59 Location: Palo Alto Newcomer
Hello, actually, I think I just figured out what you meant. It sounds like the issue is that you have an angled effect that is loading into a straight-up, fixed-angle SS rack instead of loading into a SS rack that has tubes at the matching angle. I suspect based on your description that the fixed angle SS rack has been inserted into your show with a -30 degree tilt of the entire rack, at which point it can correctly house the -30 degree angled effects. You can confirm by looking at the angle at the top of the rack in the rack layout view.
To prevent your SS racks from being tilted as they are inserted into the show, please uncheck the “can be rotated” checkbox in the rack creation dialog. If my theory is correct, this will solve your problem if you delete and re-add your racks.
It may help to compare to an imaginary standard single row wooden 3″ shell rack. On typical shoot sites, you may have many of these wooden 3″ shell racks tilted at various angles to match the effect angles that go into them. Obviously that’s not what you have in mind for your single shot racks, which are sitting flat on the ground, not tilted, but which have tilted tubes. The “can be rotated” checkbox is the relevant difference between the shell rack and the ss rack.
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