• Hi All,


    Was wondering what happened to Fans in the latest version of Finale 3D. Up to version 2021-11-17  it was very easy and straight forward to create effects such as parabolic curves. Now in the latest version there seems to be missing features such as the fan type aiming in to up among others.


    Fans 3D  Finale Version 2021-11-17

  • Profile picture of Sean

    Sean replied to the topic PyroJam Catalogue

    Now that the deadline for the submission has passed.


    I would like to thank for this opportunity the Finale team for this competition, and to Tim Jameson and the PyroJam team. For providing us with spectacular platform on which to build our shows, with a very sizeable budget, a professional and organized site position layout, and an extensive…Read More

  • Profile picture of Sean

    Sean replied to the topic PyroJam Catalogue

    @820000  Once all the choreography of the show is complete. Do we also need to cater for the addressing of the show or will that be catered for later on ?



  • Profile picture of Sean

    Sean replied to the topic PyroJam Catalogue

    @820000  I am guessing cake slices should go in the cake section labelled CK-1 to CK-7 given that they are inherently as their name sake suggests, cakes.


    Cheers !

  • @21820000  Are those really $4.50 a pop ? Wow…

  • Hi all. Was wondering if in the Pyrojam catalogue alongside gerbs and fountains, are there any flash pots. The type I am looking for are 1 burst photo flash, ideally coloured.


    Cheers !

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Joined: Apr 2019
Posts: 6
Location: Swieqi, Is-Swieqi, Malta

