MagicFX Sparxtar

The MagicFX Sparxtar is the perfect and safe alternative for real firework fountains! The Sparxtar blows special powder which creates sparks and a magical effect. No fireworks license needed.

DMX channels
  1. Channel 1 (DMX Channel Base + 0) -- Height (0 = about 2m; 255 = about 4.5m)
  2. Channel 2 (DMX Channel Base + 1) -- ON/OFF (0-63 = OFF; 64-127 = empty heater; 128-255 = ON)
DMX channels for safety position
  1. Channel 1 (DMX Channel Base + 0) -- Safety channel (0-101 = OFF, 102-163 = ON, 164-255 = OFF)
Special Features
  1. Safety channels for Sparxtar fixtures are independently configurable allowing a single safety channel to span multiple fixtures.