Software Documentation

Software Documentation

Visual Descriptive Language (VDL)Documentation

Last updated: September 12, 2023

2 VDL colors

The VDL language includes the list of color terms in Table 1, which can be included in effect descriptions, as in “Red Chrysanthemum w/ Blue Pistil”. In addition to specifying the color itself, some of these terms imply the existence of a trail of sparks. For instance, a “Red” comet is just a star with a big red flame envelope, whereas a “Silver” comet is a comet with a silver trail of sparks.


Figure 1 – VDL colors corresponding to Table 1



Table 1 – List of color terms

# Color RGB components Hex code Implies trail of sparks Alternative that does not imply trail
14 Aqua 0.20, 0.50, 0.80 337fcc
11 Blue 0.30, 0.40, 1.15 4c66ff
Charcoal N/A N/A Yes Charcoal Tip
Charcoal Tip 0.90, 0.40, 0.10 5a280a
16 Cyan 0.32, 0.64, 0.80 51a3cc
Dark 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 000000
5 Fresh Yellow 0.70, 0.60, 0.35 b29959
20 Fuchsia 0.85, 0.35, 0.90 d859e5
Gamboge N/A N/A Yes Gamboge Tip
Gamboge Tip 1.0, 0.35, 0.05 ff9959
Gold N/A N/A Yes Gold Tip
Gold Tip 0.80, 0.70, 0.05 504605
9 Grass Green 0.25, 0.70, 0.05 3fb20c
8 Green 0.15, 0.70, 0.11 26b21c
17 Indigo 0.50, 0.25, 1.15 7f3fff
18 Lavender 0.63, 0.25, 1.15 a03fff
7 Lemon 0.75, 0.60, 0.05 bf990c
10 Lime 0.35, 0.70, 0.11 59b21c
22 Magenta 0.80, 0.10, 1.00 cc19ff
3 Orange 0.90, 0.40, 0.10 e56619
4 Peach 0.80, 0.50, 0.10 cc7f19
19 Pink 0.85, 0.35, 0.75 d859bf
23 Plum 0.70, 0.10, 0.50 b2197f
21 Purple 0.75, 0.25, 1.15 bf3fff
2 Red 0.95, 0.10, 0.10 f21919
1 Ruby 0.95, 0.10, 0.30 f2194c
12 Sea Blue 0.25, 0.50, 1.15 3f7fff
Silver N/A N/A Yes Silver Tip
Silver Tip 0.75, 0.75, 0.85 4b4b55
13 Sky Blue 0.20, 0.50, 0.80 337fcc
15 Turquoise 0.16, 0.64, 0.80 28a3cc
24 Violet 0.80, 0.40, 1.00 cc66ff
25 White 0.75, 0.75, 0.85 bfbfd8
6 Yellow 0.80, 0.70, 0.05 ccb20c

In addition to the color terms, other terms in the VDL language also imply the existence of a trail of sparks. For example, some flower types, like Chrysanthemum or Willow, inherently include trail of sparks no matter what color terms are used to describe them. Other flower types, like Peony and Dahlia, do not. It is possible in VDL to declare that star does not leave a trail of sparks despite its flower type by including “No Trail” in the description, such as “Red Chrysanthemum No Trail”.