Software Documentation

Software Documentation

Visual Descriptive Language (VDL)Documentation

Last updated: May 23, 2024

3 VDL effect adjustment terms (Big, Bright, R45, L45, etc.)

The VDL language includes a set of adjectives to adjust certain characteristics of the effect description, such as the size of a shell’s break or the number of stars in the break.  Here is the list of adjectives and their meaning.

Meaning Small adjustment Medium adjustment Large adjustment
Expand the size of the shell break or mine spread Slightly big Big Very big
Reduce the size of the shell break or mine spread Slightly small Small Very small
Brighten the stars and their trails of sparks Slightly bright Bright Very bright
Darken the stars and their trails of sparks Slightly dim Dim Very dim
Brighten the trails of sparks Slightly bright trail Bright trail Very bright trail
Darken the trails of sparks Slightly dim trail Dim trail Very dim trail
Brighten the stars Slightly bright tip Bright tip Very bright tip
Darken the stars Slightly dim tip Dim tip Very dim tip
Increase the number of stars Slightly dense Dense Very dense
Reduce the number of stars Slightly sparse Sparse Very sparse
Thicken the trail of sparks from the stars Slightly thick Thick Very thick
Thin out the trail of sparks from the stars Slightly thin Thin Very thin
Lengthen trail spark duration Slightly long trail Long trail (“trail” not “tail”) Very long trail
Shorten trail spark duration Slightly short trail Short trail Very short trail
Lengthen star duration Slightly long Long Very long
Shorten star duration Slightly short Short Very short
Make gerb/fountain sparks last longer Slightly droopy Droopy Very droopy
Make shell break pattern more ragged Slightly ragged Ragged Very ragged
Make shell break pattern more uniform Slightly uniform Uniform Very uniform

Even more pronounced alterations are possible by repeating adjustment adjectives in a VDL effect description. For example, to very significantly reduce the number of stars in a mine you would type, “Very Big Very Big”. In this way, each repetition of the VDL large adjustment adjective will further compound the changes to the effect.

In a VDL effect description, the position of the adjectives determines what part of the description they apply to.  For example, if you type,

Red Peony w/ Big Blue Pistil

That is obviously going to be different from,

Big Red Peony w/ Blue Pistil

Similarly, if you type,

Bright Red To Green Chrysanthemum

That will be different from,

Red To Bright Green Chrysanthemum

A good rule of thumb is that prepositions like “To” and “With” divide the effect description up into parts, and you need to make sure that your adjectives are in the right parts of the description.  Within a part of the description, however, the position of adjectives doesn’t matter, so,

Red Peony w/ Big Blue Pistil

Is the same as:

Red Peony w/ Blue Pistil Big

The ability to locate adjectives before or after the noun or pronoun that they modify makes VDL easier for non-English users, because unlike English, many languages have a “post-nominal” grammar in which adjectives follow the noun or pronoun they modify.



VDL also includes a set of adjectives to set the angle of the effect: R15, R30, R45, R60, R75, R90, R105, R120, R135, R150, R165, R180, and the same for L15, L30, etc.  These adjectives tilt the trajectory left or right by the indicated number of degrees.  For example, the VDL,

Flame Projector L105

is the VDL for the Explo X2 Wave Flamer pre-programmed Macro #16, which fires a column of flames at 105 degrees to the left.