Addressing By Type?

Home English Addressing By Type?

DB 2023-05-21 02:09:58
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  • DB
    Joined: Jun 2020
    Posts: 15
    Location: Grayslake, Illinois, United States

    Is there a way to address a show so that a certain type of firework is restricted to 1-2 modules? I’m creating a show that has both 1.4 and 1.4Pro and I want all of the 1.4 fireworks on the same module(s) separate from 1.4 Pro. Is this possible automatically or will I have to do this manually?


    Joined: Dec 2019
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    Location: United States

    Hi DB, in the interest of simplicity, the Lite version of Finale 3D doesn’t include module constraints in the addressing dialog. But if you’re running Hobbyist or Pro, you can definitely address your show using the algorithm and assign your standard 1.4 to different modules than your 1.4 Pro. Are you running Hobbyist or Pro?

    Joined: Jun 2020
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    Location: Grayslake, Illinois, United States

    I’m using the Hobbyist version.

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    Hi DB, in the interest of simplicity, the Lite version of Finale 3D doesn’t include module constraints in the addressing dialog. But if you’re running Hobbyist or Pro, you can definitely address your show using the algorithm and assign your standard 1.4 to different modules than your 1.4 Pro. Are you running Hobbyist or Pro?

    I’m using the Hobbyist version.


    Joined: Dec 2019
    Posts: 557
    Location: United States

    You’re using Hobbyist – great!


    In that case, here are the steps to restrict modules to either Consumer or Pro 1.4, or anything else that you like!


    1) Go to ‘Addressing > Address show’ and take a look at the first constraint in section 3, “Each module is restricted to a single…”. After ‘Position’, open the drop-down list in the next field to see the choices available, as shown in the screenshot below. Your objective by reviewing the choices is to figure out which one makes the most sense based on your effect definitions and script. For example, suppose that in the Effects window, you unhide the “Category” columns and entered “Consumer” and “Pro 1.4” as appropriate for each of your effects. Then in that case, Category would be the perfect option to choose to constrain modules. However, if you’re already using Category for something else, then you will want to choose Subtype, Custom Part Field, Custom Script Field, or something else. The bottom line is, somewhere you have to tell Finale 3D which items are Consumer, and which items are 1.4 Pro, and this list shows you all available options. Once you’ve taken note of the options, and assuming you haven’t already filled in which items are Consumer versus Pro 1.4, click Cancel in the ‘Address Show’ dialog. Or, if you have already filled in which kind of item is which somewhere, then jump to step 3.


    2) Based on the option you chose in step 1, go to that column in the Effects (or maybe Script) window and fill in either “Consumer” or “Pro 1.4” for each of your items.


    3) Go back to ‘Addressing > Address show’, choose the option that corresponds to column that you used in step 2. For example, suppose that you filled in the ‘Category’ column in the Effects window. In that case, you would select ‘Category’ in the ‘Address Show’ dialog, and the expression would read: “Each module is restricted to a single section and Position and Category”. Exactly what you want! Finally, click ‘Enter’ to address the show. After addressing, you should find that no modules have both Consumer and Pro 1.4 items.



    Joined: Jun 2020
    Posts: 15
    Location: Grayslake, Illinois, United States

    Thanks Drew!

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