Import CSV file > Firing positions confused with the origin man
Joined: Mar 2022 Posts: 4 Location: France NewcomerWhen I export a show (Export > Export script as Finale Generic csv…), I have in my csv file the names of my positions (column Position Name) and the coordinates of my positions (column Coordinates). Why when I import this file (Import > Import into a new show… > Do-it-yourself CSC file…), my positions are not at their place and are confused with the origin man?
WillJoined: Feb 2018 Posts: 59 Location: Palo Alto NewcomerHello, you found a bug. We recently added more information to the coordinates field of the Finale Generic CSV export file format (adding the angle of the position and the angle of the effect in 3D), but we forgot to make import handle the extra information if you try to import Finale Generic CSV. So at this moment, if you export a Finale Generic CSV and reimport it, all the positions appear at coordinates 0, 0, 0, the location of Origin Man.
(For specifications of the coordinates information in Finale Generic CSV, see “Coordinates” in Table 3 of
An immediate workaround if you are in a pinch is to edit the “Coordinates” column of the Finale Generic CSV spreadsheet. Each cell in this column contains nine floating point numbers. Delete the last six, and then the file will import with correct position coordinates.
I have fixed the problem already, and a new beta release will be coming out this week with the fix.
The fix, however, just imports the position coordinates; it doesn’t import the position angles or 3D effect angles. We have never round-tripped that information through Finale Generic CSV before. We could do that, but it would be a bit more work. If the ability to export and reimport position angles and 3D effect angles is important to you, could you describe the use case so we can understand the context?
Pyro_84860000Joined: Mar 2022 Posts: 4 Location: France NewcomerHello,
Thank you for your answer.
In our workflow, we program our shows in others softwares. In these softwares, we have of course the angle of the positions and the angles of the effects in 3D. Then, we import a csv file into Finale 3D to get the simulation. So yes the ability to import positions angles and 3D effect angles is very important for us! 🙂
WillJoined: Feb 2018 Posts: 59 Location: Palo Alto NewcomerHello,
Some good news.
We have implemented support for importing position angles and effect angles along with position coordinates, all in the “Coordinates” column of an imported CSV file. Documentation is here:
The imported data is in the same format as the exported data in the Finale Generic CSV format, described in the Coordinates row of Table 3 of:
Since effect angles in the script window are in a PAN, TILT, SPIN representation, which is different from the imported and exported HEADING, PITCH, ROLL representation, we just added documentation on pan, tilt, spin here:
For reference, the description of heading, pitch, roll is here:
The new import feature will be available in a beta this week, by the end of the month (June). It is actually in the current beta from two days ago, but the current beta has an unrelated angles but so I would suggest waiting for the update this week.
Pyro_84860000Joined: Mar 2022 Posts: 4 Location: France Newcomer -
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