(Resolved) Missing data in My Effects after syncing with Network

Home English (Resolved) Missing data in My Effects after syncing with Network

EhrlichFire 2024-09-20 19:49:03
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  • EhrlichFire
    Joined: Feb 2020
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    While working on scripting a show, I noticed two of my effects had incorrect available quantities after I had previously corrected them. I thought maybe I had not synced with the network. So I made the changes again and after syncing with the network, I no longer have any data in the “Size” column of my effects and cannot filter “My Effects” by “size” since that data is missing. I tried saving the show, closing the app, and restarting, but that did not fix the problem. How do I fix this?


    Other information, “Per Show Effects” has data in the “Size” column, but no data in the “Available” column. Both “My Effects” and “Per Show Effects” have data in the “Used” column. However, they do not list the effects in the same order even when filtered by the “Used” column.

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    Hi EhrlichFire, thanks for the report. We are fairly confident we understand the issue — we’re investigating right now, and I will follow up as soon as we have more information or a fix.

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    I also am finding that the shells I know are 5″ shells, the VDL is missing the size in the description and it is defaulting to 3″. I am updating the VDL File in my unnamed effects.

    As a matter of fact, ALL of the effects are missing the size in the Visual Description of the VDL File. It is defaulting to 3″ in the VDL.

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    Drew, I also am finding that the shells I know are 5″ shells, the VDL is missing the size in the description and it is defaulting to 3″. I am updating the VDL File in my unnamed effects. As a matter of fact, ALL of the effects are missing the size in the Visual Description of the VDL File. It is defaulting to 3″ in the VDL.


    Hi EhrlichFire, I sent you an email yesterday about one hour before you made this post to let you know that we had fixed the issue and restored your My Effects collection to the exact state it was in just before you lost your size values. If you restart Finale 3D and sync and you should see that your My Effects data is fully recovered.


    An effect’s size is stored in the Size column, not in the VDL column. For example, if you create a new effect and type 5″ Red Peony, you will see that 5″ is stored in the size column and Red Peony is stored in the VDL column. This is by design and perfectly normal. When an effect is missing its size, it defaults to 3″. The trouble you were having had everything to do with missing values in the Size column (which have now been restored). There’s no need to add the sizes of your effects to the VDL column.

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    I just emailed Drew. The size column in My Effects still has no data except for effects listed as “Single Shot”. What I was talking about was when you click on an effect, then click “edit this item (VDL or rack)” for that effect, the VDL window opens and in the Visual Description of ALL shells, the size is not listed. As soon as you add the size to the Visual Description, and click “Enter” the size populates the “Size” column for My Effects, or whatever effects DB you are using.


    As I reported in the Forum after your email, the VDL for each effect does not contain the Size in the Visual Description. All VDL effects for shells are defaulting to 3”.


    I did figure out how to determine the size of the effect by the pre-fire times for the shell. I am going to continue to work with the Unnamed effects for now.


    Please take a look again this morning and see if you are seeing something different.


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    Hi Andrew,

    I think i facing the same issue Ehrilch, your new update 20.9.2024 have so much issue. Im urgently require you to fix this bug because we have a show on next week and need finalise our proposal.

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    Hi Ehrlich,

    may i know how you solve those issue

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    EhrlichFire, the behavior you’re seeing in the Edit Effect dialog is a side effect of the missing size data in your My Effects collection. Everything will fall into place once your size data is restored. I think the reason you’re still having trouble is because things got out of sequence. I think that after I restored your My Effects data, you accidentally synced before restarting Finale 3D and this caused a “bad” copy of your My Effects to be uploaded. We just need to make sure we follow the proper sequence to fully resolve the issue. The proper sequence is:


    Completed close Finale 3D > Restore My Effects > Launch Finale 3D and login (do NOT use ‘Login offline’ option)

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    Hi Andrew, I think i facing the same issue Ehrilch, your new update 20.9.2024 have so much issue. Im urgently require you to fix this bug because we have a show on next week and need finalise our proposal.


    boom2sky, the problem you’re experiencing is actually NOT related to the 2024.09.20-b81153d80 release. Yesterday, we discovered a bug in the My Effects sync process on our server. The bug on the server has been fixed which should prevent you from experiencing this issue again in the future. I reviewed your account and sent you an email with personalized instructions to restore your My Effects collection.

    Joined: Feb 2020
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    Drew, Restoring a version of My Effects before the date I had the issue worked. Thanks. I now have all of the data in the Size column and everything as it did before. Thank you so much for the quick response.


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