PyroJam Catalogue

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Sean 2022-01-05 17:13:32
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  • DrewFinale
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    Hi Rovira, okay, your build isn’t the issue. I’d like to investigate further, can you email me your .fin file? If you don’t want to send your competition show, that’s completely understandable. Just save a copy of your show, then delete the music and everything on the timeline except the sun effect. Even then, the file will still probably be too large to be sent as an email attachment so you can just use As soon as I get the file I’ll take a look!

    Anıl Hepyücel – İzmir Havai Fişek
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    hello everybody. Can we use pyro letters in the competition? If so, any rules about that?

    Tim Jameson
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    hello everybody. Can we use pyro letters in the competition? If so, any rules about that?


    If you are referring to letters fired using mines shot from mine racks, the answer would be no as we do not have enough racks to do more than a few.  If you are referring to using comet sequences to create the letters then yes this would be acceptable.  Thank you for your interest in the competition.


    Edit:  To further clarify my answer, the “mine racks” I am referring to similar to these.


    Tim Jameson
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    I would like to take a quick moment to thank everyone who has expressed interest in participating in our competition and being patient with us as we navigate our way through this.  With this being our first effort doing something like this, there undoubtedly have been a few “bumps in the road” so to speak as far as clarifying rules, limites, etc.  Extra thanks to Drew and the rest of the Finale team for working with us on this project.  We are super excited about the potential for this overall.


    Since we are entering the “home stretch” as they say, if anyone has any questions which require the quickest response possible, please post them here (so everyone can get the benefit of the answers) but if you feel the response isn’t fast enough feel free to email them to me directly at since I will see them quicker as I am constantly checking my computer or phone throughout the day.


    If someone happens to forget to post here first, I will come back and post their questions as well as any responses so all can see and benefit.


    Again, thanks to all who have expressed an interest in our competition, cannot wait to see the entries 🙂

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    Hi Rovira, the “Sun” effects in your show appear to have a very short duration on the timeline because they are in a Group. If you select the effects, then use the Script menu (or press Shift+G) to ungroup them, you will see the full duration bars appear. Other effects don’t behave the same way when Grouped so I need to look into this effect more, but preliminarily it seems like a bug. Fortunately the only issue is the appearance of the durations bars on the timeline, it’s not affecting your show in any other way as far as I can tell.


    Edit: found the issue, this effect had no ‘Duration’ in the Effects window. I just updated the effect duration in the catalog. To get the updated catalog, do a network sync. Then, to update the effect in your show, go to the Effects (menu) > Update Per-show effects…

    Joined: Oct 2020
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    Nice to hear it. So I’m not changing it, i like working on groups cause it looks more neat.

    Regarding the grouping: should be great to have a control to group the different effects. I have to click the right button to group them every time. Would be nice to have a more direct way to do it. Like … CTRL+G or similar.

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    Hi Rovira, unless I misunderstand your question, Grouping is SUPER easy, you just select the items and press ‘G’!

    Tim Jameson
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    Hello All, I just had a question emailed to me which I would like to share with everyone.  The question was:


    “I know it is time consuming to set them up. But also they boost our creativity.  So is there a realistic limitation preference for you about quantities of single shots? For example something like ‘beyond 1000 ss is difficult to set up and we prefer below that’….”


    While we greatly appreciate those who are concerned about how much work it will take to produce these displays in real life, we are prepared to do so and do not want to hinder anyone’s creativity any more than is necessary.  There are NO limitations on the number of single shots, shells, etc you may use in your show other than the overall budget constraints.  We have secured equipment and manpower through our friends within the industry if it comes to a point where our company does not own enough to do something.  Everyone is very excited about this happening in our country and will do what is necessary to pull it off (cannot begin to say how wonderful it has been to get the support we have gotten through this from so many friends).


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    Good Morning, I am looking at the finale chains and in the 3″ “Custom Color Peony Chain-“fast” 4-5 sec – packed 6/10″ is simulating like a salute chain. Is that supposed to be that way or is it a multi color peony chain?

    And second part to that is on the custom 3″ Finale chain – packed 6/10, it is simulating as single colors in a row. so red, blue, green, purple, etc.  Is there a way to “reverse” the order on the chain? so it doesn’t create that same color across 5 pos firing at the same time.


    Are there 4″ finale multicolor chains? I don’t see any in the catalog.


    Thanks for your work on this.

    Tim Jameson
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    Good Morning, I am looking at the finale chains and in the 3″ “Custom Color Peony Chain-“fast” 4-5 sec – packed 6/10″ is simulating like a salute chain. Is that supposed to be that way or is it a multi color peony chain?

    And second part to that is on the custom 3″ Finale chain – packed 6/10, it is simulating as single colors in a row. so red, blue, green, purple, etc. Is there a way to “reverse” the order on the chain? so it doesn’t create that same color across 5 pos firing at the same time.


    Are there 4″ finale multicolor chains? I don’t see any in the catalog.


    Thanks for your work on this.


    Hello, the 3″ “Custom Color Peony Chains” are actually salute chains.  We had to label them this way to get them exported from China last year.  The simulation is correct for them.


    As for the 3″ Assorted Color Finale Chains, the simulation represents the colors in the chain, but given the way China manufactures these chains, they are actually randomized.  Therefore, in a “real world” scenario, you would not have all the same colors firing across all positions simultaneously as they will vary in order from chain to chain.  Please do not reverse the chains or break them apart as it may mess up our part numbers and actual counts when we go to prepare the displays for setup.  Our judging panel will be familiar enough with our products to know these chains are not going to fire the same exact order throughout and judge accordingly.


    Thank you for your interest in the competition.


    Edit:  I’m sorry seems I missed the part about 4″ multicolor chains, no there are not any 4″ color finale chains in the catalog.

    Dirk Enders – PyroOffice
    Joined: Nov 2018
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    Tim Jameson ,


    just to be sure – the cake slices should be placed on the front positions , or ?




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    Dirk Enders – PyroOffice  I am guessing cake slices should go in the cake section labelled CK-1 to CK-7 given that they are inherently as their name sake suggests, cakes.


    Cheers !

    Joined: Apr 2019
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    DrewFinale   Once all the choreography of the show is complete. Do we also need to cater for the addressing of the show or will that be catered for later on ?



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    Hi Dirk Enders – PyroOffice, single-row slice cakes can go in the ‘F’ (Front) positions per the table in Show Site Layout. You may also be able to put them on the CK (Cake) positions, I’ll defer to Tim Jameson for confirmation. He may want to limit slices to the Fronts, I’m not 100% sure.


    Hi Sean, you don’t need to worry about assigning addresses, this will be done later if your show ends up in the top 3! There are no firing system or cue count limitations.

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    Hi, how many meters are between positions?

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    Hi Pyro_34960000, click the gold lock in the lower right corner of the design window to unlock the positions, then you can select multiple positions and rulers will automatically be shown. Just be very careful not to modify the positions layout.

    Tim Jameson
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    Hi Dirk Enders – PyroOffice, single-row slice cakes can go in the ‘F’ (Front) positions per the table in Show Site Layout. You may also be able to put them on the CK (Cake) positions, I’ll defer to Tim Jameson for confirmation. He may want to limit slices to the Fronts, I’m not 100% sure.


    Hi Sean, you don’t need to worry about assigning addresses, this will be done later if your show ends up in the top 3! There are no firing system or cue count limitations.


    This is correct, slices may go in either the Front or Cake positions.

    Joined: Oct 2020
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    I have one more question. There is no angle restrictions when it comes to single shots but I would like to know if the single shot mini shells have restrictions since im not sure if you consider those shells as a single shot or a shell.

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    Hi Rovira, good question! Tim Jameson, what do you say?

    Tim Jameson
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    I have one more question. There is no angle restrictions when it comes to single shots but I would like to know if the single shot mini shells have restrictions since im not sure if you consider those shells as a single shot or a shell.


    Hi Rovira, yes, that is a good question.  Since we did not address this in the rules, we will definitely not hold it against someone if they went super steep on those shots, but I would like to ask folks to refrain from firing any of the single shot mini-shells any sharper than 30 degrees off vertical as anything steeper than that would most likely create an unsafe situation given the shoot site limitations.  Hope this makes sense, but if not, please let me know and I’ll try to do a better job explaining.



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