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Position Window: Wish a column to define a hazard group for Positions. For example: In Explo System every device gets an upper Letter to define a security Group for a group of devices. In F3d we already have hazard column for scriptRows which is also used via explo. But in addition it would be helpful to define a hazard info to positions(an automatically to the devices where they used for). We dont need it as data in the exported firings system file. Its only a information in the reports for collegues who configure the ignition system. As Note and custom position field are already used by me for other informations i wish and hope that you also see that a harzard column as string type makes sense at all.
Missing columns in sorting dropdown of report configuration. Please add them asap. NEQ, Weigh, UnNumber, Ce Number, Ex Number are missing here(maybe some others also):
Pyrorororo wrote: lock timing. I love lock addressing. Could that be done with event time column? Time locking of scriptRows would be a great feature but from my opinion it should be a seperate locking function. Cause we so often rearrange something on the timeline where the addresses still should be protected in moments where a part of preproduction is alredy done. Also i think that if there is something locked we should stop the possibility of manual editing or deleting a row in the script window.
lock timing. I love lock addressing. Could that be done with event time column?
Has anyone had experience and or issues importing into Show Director? I cant seem to figure this out..
Hi Josh, the Cobra system has three semi-automatic firing modes, “Separate Scripts By Tracks”, “Step By Tracks”, and “Step By Events”. You can read more about the modes in our Cobra documentation here: Here's a quick summary of the modes: "Step By Events" - Use this mode to fire the items in your script one at a time by pressing the STEP button on your remote "Step By Tracks" - Use this mode to fire sequences of items one at a time by pressing the STEP button on your remote. "Separate Scripts by Tracks" - Use this mode to assign a segments of a show to buttons 1-18 on your remote You mentioned that you want to fire more than one item at a time, so I think "Step By Tracks" would be a good fit. Check out this article: Dividing a show into sequences for semi-automatic firing using the “Track” field In short, all you have do to is unhide the Track column using the blue gear icon on the Script window, then assign track numbers to your script. If you want the first two shells in your show to be fired with a single button press, enter 1 in the track column. If you want the next five shells to fire with a single button press, enter 2 in the track column, so on and so forth. A track can be a single item, multiple items firing simultaneously, or multiple items spread out over a period of time. All you need to do is divide the script up by entering values in the track column of the Script window. When you're ready to export your script, make sure you choose the correct script type in the Export Options dialog.
Hi NoéMaamar, reports (and labels) are extensively customizable in the Pro version of Finale 3D. It looks like your report is based on rows from the Script window. In that case, if you have Pro, you can customize the title of your report by going to the blue gear in the Script window > Edit report template > select your report. In the report configuration dialog, change the Title to whatever you want, as shown in the screenshot below.
I created a script for a basic 5 minute show that I am going to be doing and I was thinking of firing it with a step script. I have never created a step script before in Finale. Can you tell me how this would be done and exported to fire using a cobra firing system? I am basically firing two shells at a time (with the exception of the 6” shells and chains at the end). Thanks - Josh