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Reply To: PyroJam Catalogue

  Anıl Hepyücel – İzmir Havai Fişek wrote: hello everybody. Can we use pyro letters in the competition? If so, any rules about that?   If you are referring to letters fired using mines shot from mine racks, the answer would be no as we do not have enough racks to do more than a few.  If you are referring to using comet sequences to create the letters then yes this would be acceptable.  Thank you for your interest in the competition.   Edit:  To further clarify my answer, the "mine racks" I am referring to similar to these.  

Reply To: PyroJam Catalogue

hello everybody. Can we use pyro letters in the competition? If so, any rules about that?

Reply To: PyroJam Catalogue

Hi Rovira, okay, your build isn't the issue. I'd like to investigate further, can you email me your .fin file? If you don't want to send your competition show, that's completely understandable. Just save a copy of your show, then delete the music and everything on the timeline except the sun effect. Even then, the file will still probably be too large to be sent as an email attachment so you can just use As soon as I get the file I'll take a look!

Reply To: PyroJam Catalogue

  This is what I have:   "Finale 3D build ID" : 2021.11.17-64adbec3c

Reply To: PyroJam Catalogue

Hi Rovira, this is very strange. Can you go to Help > About Finale 3D... and tell me what "Finale 3D build ID" you are running?

Reply To: PyroJam Catalogue

This is how short my effect is shown, much less than a second. On the render screen the effect appears for 50 secons anyway.    

Reply To: PyroJam Catalogue

Hi Rovira, if you want to use the Sun effect, you can create some additional positions that are slightly elevated. As for the duration of the sun effect, I just added PFS050 "Set Piece - 50 Sec Gold Sun w/ Blue" to the timeline and I can't reproduce the issue you mentioned. See screenshot below.  

Reply To: PyroJam Catalogue

  DrewFinale wrote: Hi Dirk Enders – PyroOffice, jumping in for Tim here. Slightly elevated firing positions can be used for effects that require it. For example, the “Sun” effect requires a slightly elevated firing position, as shown in the screenshot below. However, elevated firing positions should not be used for other types of effects that can be fired from the ground. For example, elevated firing positions should not be used for comets, mines, strobes, gerbs, flares, etc.       Then if I want to use a "Sun" effect should I create another line of multiple positions close to the original  "close-prox" group and then elevate them or should I elevate the 19  ground firing positions given?   About the "Sun effect": it looks like its a 50 sec effect but it  appears on the timeline, when placed, as a very shot effect, less than 1 sec. the line of the effect is super short, not 50 sec.

Reply To: PyroJam Catalogue

Hi Pyro_38860000, great questions! There are NO firing system or cue count limitations. The angle restrictions are minimal and they are listed in the table within the "Show Site Layout" section on the competition page. Here is a link to the competition page:   The primary limitation is the product budget, which cannot exceed $20,000. As you add products to your show from the PyroJam catalog, the total amount should be listed in the lower-right corner of the Finale 3D Design window. The other limitation is the product inventory quantities, which are shown in the "Available" column when viewing the PyroJam Competition catalog in Finale 3D.   The best three shows will be selected based on the "Judging Criteria" listed on the PyroJam competition page.   On the subject of candles, believe me, if they competition sponsor had them available, they would be in the catalog! Please bring some from Spain when you come to PyroJam!

Reply To: PyroJam Catalogue

I've been working on the Pyrojam competition for the last days. I'm wondering if there is a limit of cues per show.     I designed the show to be not too complex, and working on it being realistic. I'm not sure if this is one of the points jury will consider, but I guess it will be somewhow.  I'm worried about it being too complex in terms of cues and angles.   I gotta say Im quite impressed about the range of effects Pyrojam provided, full of different single shots, shells and ground effects to choose.. Im surprised there are no chain of candels (not sure how its called in english) btw   I'll try my best to do a nice, consistant and enjoyable show :)