Getting Started & General Tutorials

PyroJam 2023 | Making of the PyroJam Show Design Template

This video highlights a variety of features that are useful for preparing to design a show in Finale 3D Pro. Features shown include, adding scenery, such as Google Maps ground imagery and 3D models, creating a firing position layout, adding camera presets and position group shortcuts, and creating a site layout complete with position and effect safety distance circles.
Updating to the Latest Release of Finale 3D

A quick demonstration showing how to download and install the latest version of Finale 3D.
Saving a Show

This is a quick demonstration of saving and opening a (.fin) show file in Finale 3D.
How to Restore My Effects

This video demonstrates how to restore your "My Effects" collection to an earlier version using an online "Snapshot". This process is extremely useful if you need to recover items that were accidentally (or even purposefully) deleted from your My Effects collection.
Copying & Pasting Effects

This video demonstrates how to move effects between collections using copy and paste. The video also demonstrates how to use copy and paste to export effects to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet in order to create a backup or share them with other Finale 3D users.
Copy and Paste Blueprints from Show to Show

Process for moving window layouts and report templates from one show to another.
Copying blueprints and saving show as start-up template

A blueprint may represent a report or label template, a rack or site layout diagram, a custom table layout (puzzle piece icon), and more. Copy a blueprint from one show to another is useful because it prevents you from having to recreate the blueprint each time you design a new show. In the Hobbyist and Pro versions of Finale 3D, you can take it a step further by replacing the default blank show with your own personalized start-up template.
Creating a Custom Table Layout

This video demonstrates how to create and save a custom table layout for the Effects window. You can use the same technique to create a custom table layout for the Script window.
Effects Window Click Action Settings

This quick tutorial demonstrates the options for the mouse-click behavior in the Effects window.
Updating Effects in Finale Inventory

This video demonstrates how to update effects in Finale Inventory by exporting product data from Finale 3D. This video applies if you use Finale Inventory to manage a physical collection of fireworks. This video also applies if you have "Shared Company Effects List". This video does not apply if you store your fireworks in "My effects" or in an offline effect file with a .fdb file extension.