To create and export a pyro script for the Pyrodigy firing system, please follow these steps:
- Address the show (“Addressing > Address show”) and select “Pyrodigy 48 Shot” as the module type.
- Export the script (“File > Export > Export firing scripts“).
Step 2 creates the script file, which has the “CSV” extension. The file format details are described in this section.
The Pyrodigy system also supports DMX fixtures. Please see DMX basic instructions for general DMX scripting instructions. If you are interested in how the script format incorporates the DMX commands along with the pyro commands, the details are presented in Table 2 and Table 3 in this section.
Figure 1 – Pyrodigy firing system master
Table 1 – File format and encoding
File format | Extension | Text encoding | Field delimiter | End-of-line |
Text | .CSV | UTF-8 | Comma | CRLF |
The script contains rows for the firing events, i.e., unique combinations of module, pin, and ignition-time. Multiple effects can be combined on a single cue. The special characteristics of the script are shown in the following table:
Table 2 – Special characteristics
Special characteristics | Description |
Sort order of rows | Rows sorted ascending by event time. |
What rows represent | Each row represents a unique firing event, a module/pin/event-time combination. For example, a chain of five shells will be one row, not five. A pair of shells shot together from the same position will be one row, not two, even if the shells are different effects. A flight of shells shot together from multiple positions with the same module-pin using scab wire is still one row. |
Header | The first line of the file is the CSV header row, which specifies the fields of the following data rows:
Time resolution | The Pyrodigy system supports 1/100th second resolution. |
DMX support | Pyrodigy supports DMX fixtures with a full 512 channels and 256 DMX Universes. The DMX commands are rows in the script, intermixed with the pyro rows. The DMX rows have the same number of fields as the pyro rows, and most of the field values have the same meaning. A few of the fields have different meanings for DMX, such as unit and circuit for pyro are interpreted as DMX Channel and DMX Universe for DMX. The differences are described in Table 4.
To script a show in Finale 3D using the Pyrodigy firing system and compatible DMX fixtures, please follow the standard DMX scripting instructions, creating DMX fixture positions and selecting the compatible DMX fixture types for them. The Pyrodigy exporter will automatically convert the DMX Patches of the fixtures to the correct field values in the exported script. |
Special characters | Any comma and double quote characters will be filtered from the effect name in the exported script, to avoid complexity in CSV parsing. |
Each row in the script has a number of fields separated by the semicolon character. The names of the fields and their descriptions are in following table.
Table 3 – Specifications of script Pyrodigy fields
Field name | Description |
name | The name of the effect. |
color | The number 12615744 , which has meaning in the Pyrodigy software. |
centiseconds | The total show duration in seconds * 100. |
deviceType | The name Pyrodigy for pyro, or the name DMX Universe for DMX |
unit | The module address, in the range 1 to 220 for pyro, or the DMX Channel 1-512 for DMX. |
circuit | The pin number in the range 1 to 48 for pyro, or the DMX Universe 1-256 for DMX. |
savedIndex | The script row number, beginning with 0. |
effectType | The name intensity , which has meaning in the Pyrodigy software. |
startCentisecond | The ignition time in 1/100th of seconds (integer). |
endCentisecond | The ignition time + 0.2 seconds, in 1/100th of seconds (integer) |
intensity | The number 100 for pyro, or the DMX channel value %, 0-100, for DMX. The DMX channel values exported from Finale 3D scale down the 0-255 values to 0-100 rounding fractional values down (floor) in order to be compatible with the scaling up formula recommended by Explo, which has an upward rounding bias. |
The example script shown in Figure 2 is also available for download in Table 4.
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,3,1,0,intensity,286,306,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,4,1,1,intensity,296,316,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,5,1,2,intensity,306,326,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,6,1,3,intensity,316,336,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,7,1,4,intensity,326,346,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,8,1,5,intensity,336,356,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,9,1,6,intensity,346,366,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,10,1,7,intensity,356,376,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,1,8,intensity,734,754,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,3,2,9,intensity,744,764,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,4,2,10,intensity,754,774,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,5,2,11,intensity,764,784,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,6,2,12,intensity,774,794,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,7,2,13,intensity,784,804,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,8,2,14,intensity,794,814,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,9,2,15,intensity,804,824,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,10,2,16,intensity,814,834,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,2,17,intensity,1430,1450,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,3,18,intensity,1440,1460,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,4,19,intensity,1450,1470,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,5,20,intensity,1460,1480,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,6,21,intensity,1470,1490,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,7,22,intensity,1480,1500,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,8,23,intensity,1490,1510,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,9,24,intensity,1500,1520,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,10,25,intensity,1510,1530,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,11,26,intensity,1520,1540,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,12,27,intensity,1530,1550,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,13,28,intensity,1540,1560,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,14,29,intensity,1550,1570,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,15,30,intensity,1560,1580,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,16,31,intensity,1570,1590,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,17,32,intensity,1580,1600,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,18,33,intensity,1590,1610,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,19,34,intensity,1600,1620,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,20,35,intensity,1610,1630,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,21,36,intensity,1620,1640,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,22,37,intensity,1630,1650,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,23,38,intensity,1640,1660,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,24,39,intensity,1650,1670,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,25,40,intensity,1660,1680,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,26,41,intensity,1670,1690,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,27,42,intensity,1680,1700,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,28,43,intensity,1690,1710,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,29,44,intensity,1700,1720,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,30,45,intensity,1710,1730,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,31,46,intensity,1720,1740,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,32,47,intensity,1730,1750,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,33,48,intensity,1740,1760,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,34,49,intensity,1750,1770,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,35,50,intensity,1760,1780,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,36,51,intensity,1770,1790,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,37,52,intensity,1780,1800,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,38,53,intensity,1790,1810,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,39,54,intensity,1800,1820,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,40,55,intensity,1810,1830,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,41,56,intensity,1820,1840,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,42,57,intensity,1830,1850,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,43,58,intensity,1840,1860,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,44,59,intensity,1850,1870,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,45,60,intensity,1860,1880,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,46,61,intensity,1870,1890,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,47,62,intensity,1880,1900,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,1,48,63,intensity,1890,1910,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,2,1,64,intensity,1900,1920,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,2,2,65,intensity,1910,1930,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,2,3,66,intensity,1920,1940,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,2,4,67,intensity,1930,1950,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,2,5,68,intensity,1940,1960,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,2,6,69,intensity,1950,1970,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,2,7,70,intensity,1960,1980,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,2,8,71,intensity,1970,1990,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,2,9,72,intensity,1980,2000,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,2,10,73,intensity,1990,2010,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,2,11,74,intensity,2000,2020,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,2,12,75,intensity,2010,2030,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,2,13,76,intensity,2020,2040,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,2,14,77,intensity,2030,2050,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,2,15,78,intensity,2040,2060,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,2,16,79,intensity,2050,2070,100
Green Chrysanthemum,12615744,12000,Pyrodigy,2,17,80,intensity,2060,2080,100
Figure 2 – Example Pyrodigy script for pyro
Example files for a mixed pyro and DMX show are available for download in Table 4. The example show contains three DMX fixture positions and three pyro positions. The DMX fixture positions each contain a single shot of the Explo X2 Wave Flamer fixture, firing macro #31. The DMX fixture positions also contain safety channel events covering the duration of the firing. The three pyro positions each contain one shell. The timeline for the example show is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3 – Timeline for example mixed pyro and DMX show — 3 pyro shots, 3 DMX shots, and 3 DMX safety channels
Table 4 – Downloads
Download link | Explanation |
test-pyrodigy.fin | Example show file |
test-pyrodigy.csv | Example exported file (CSV) |
test-pyrodigy-dmx01.csv | Example exported file with DMX commands |
test-pyrodigy-fixture-setup-report01.pdf | Example DMX Fixture Setup report corresponding to the exported file with DMX commands |
test-pyrodigy-dmx01.fin | Example show file with DMX commands |