Effect editor
Joined: Apr 2019 Posts: 55 Location: San Antonio, Texas, United States Newcomer
So, I’ve been playing with the effect editor for a while now and have managed to get some effects built, tweaked things etc. However, I’d love to find some sort of a ‘reference guide’ so I can get proficient. I’ve seen plenty of amazing effects created but I’m having a hard time getting past the basics. Is there something I’ve not found yet (hidden URLs?) or is there something in the works/available I’ve not found ? If not, I’d really like to see something, even if it was a pay-to-watch tutorial series.
Joined: Oct 2022 Posts: 5 Location: japan,nagano Newcomer
So, I’ve been playing with the effect editor for a while now and have managed to get some effects built, tweaked things etc. However, I’d love to find some sort of a ‘reference guide’ so I can get proficient. I’ve seen plenty of amazing effects created but I’m having a hard time getting past the basics. Is there something I’ve not found yet (hidden URLs?) or is there something in the works/available I’ve not found ? If not, I’d really like to see something, even if it was a pay-to-watch tutorial series.
Have you checked this place? https://finale3d.com/documentation/vdl-effect-glossary/
Joined: Dec 2019 Posts: 629 Location: United States Silver
So, I’ve been playing with the effect editor for a while now and have managed to get some effects built, tweaked things etc. However, I’d love to find some sort of a ‘reference guide’ so I can get proficient. I’ve seen plenty of amazing effects created but I’m having a hard time getting past the basics. Is there something I’ve not found yet (hidden URLs?) or is there something in the works/available I’ve not found ? If not, I’d really like to see something, even if it was a pay-to-watch tutorial series.
You’re not missing anything. The effect editor has been under rapid development and has only existed as you see it today for a relatively short time. We’ve been putting all of our efforts into the features and haven’t quite gotten to writing documentation or creating tutorial videos. Now that the feature set has started to solidify and mature and the pace of development has slowed, we should be able to turn our attention to support content and tutorials fairly soon. In the meantime, if you’re having trouble in a specific area, or trying to create a specific effect, post it here and I’ll give you some tips.
Joined: Dec 2019 Posts: 629 Location: United States Silver
Have you checked this place? https://finale3d.com/documentation/vdl-effect-glossary/
Hey YukiN, thanks for replying to this topic. There are two different ways to edit an effect. The first way to right click and select ‘Edit this item (VDL)’. The second way to right click and select ‘Edit in effect editor’. When editing VDL, the glossary of VDL terms is very useful. When editing an effect using the ‘effect editor’, changes are made by directly modifying the structure and values of the various parameters. I think what NEC is looking for is help with the effect editor.
Joined: Oct 2022 Posts: 5 Location: japan,nagano Newcomer
Kristine Ernzen
Joined: Apr 2022 Posts: 9 Location: Waynesboro, Virginia, United States Newcomer
Good evening!
I’m not sure if this is the right thread to ask this question but….. I’ve created some effects in Finale that I am now trying to “edit” such as change the timing. The original “cake” that I created was longer than what it needed to be so I’m attempting to change the timing from 90s to 36s but so far I have been unsuccessful. I go into the VDL and change the seconds but when I save the changes nothing has actually changed.
Do I just need to create a whole new cake with the new timing?
Joined: Dec 2019 Posts: 629 Location: United States Silver
Hey Kristine Ernzen, cake timing is specified in a couple different places within the VDL. The total duration for the cake, such as “20s”, will appear near the beginning of the full VDL. Additionally, for cakes that have timing changes (i.e. faster and slower portions), the timing is defined later in the VDL for each row of the cake. For a deep dive on cake VDL descriptions, check out the Cake descriptions documentation article in the Help Center.
Depending on the complexity of the firing pattern for your cake, you may be able to adjust the duration and timing for each row by editing the VDL. If that doesn’t seem practical, you can break apart the cake, adjust the timing, then recombine the cake. Here are the steps:
1) Select the line for the cake in the effects window
2) Go to the Effects menu and select Break apart cake > From item in effects window (this opens a new show with the cakes shots on the timeline)
3) Adjust the timing of the shots on the timeline as needed. For example, you could select all the shots and do ‘Script (menu) > Time adjustments > Stretch duration‘ to lengthen or shorten the cake
4) Put the cake back together by selecting all the shots, then going to Effects > Combine as cake effect
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