Nov 2023 Cakes Contest // Official Topic & FAQ

Home English Nov 2023 Cakes Contest // Official Topic & FAQ

DrewFinale 2023-11-01 17:44:22
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  • DrewFinale
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    Hi Curtis B, great question. The VDL snippet you provided is an example of the Exact simulation syntax for cakes. The cake combiner uses this syntax as a fallback anytime it can’t find a way to make the cake using one of the Standard firing patterns. Don’t worry, you will not be disqualified if your cake VDLs contain exact simulation syntax.


    Keep in mind, if the reason one of your cake VDLs uses the exact syntax is because of a mistake, that could hurt your score. For example, suppose you designing a simple 3 row fan cake that shoots a flight of 7 aqua comets every 3 seconds, fanned at 70 degrees. The VDL for the cake would be:


    30mm 21 Shot 6.0s 70 Degrees Cake (a) Aqua Comet, 3 Rows, Rows 1,2,3 (3.0/aaaaaaa/FNT)


    However, if you accidentally fan the last flight to 85 degrees (instead of 70 degrees), then combine the cake, you end up with:


    30mm 21 Shot 6.0s Cake (a) Aqua Comet, 1 Row (-35a0/-23a/-12a/0a/12a/23a/35a3000/-35a0/-23a/-12a/0a/12a/23a/35a3000/-43a0/-28a/-14a/0a/14a/28a/43a/CAK)


    In the example above, the standard syntax is being used because of the angle error. In other situations, it could be that the only way to represent a real-life cake is the exact syntax. Bottom line, if you see the exact syntax being used when you combine a cake, you just want to make sure it’s being using because you need it, not because of a mistake.

    Curtis B
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    Next question then as it relates to what we are talking about:


    If I want to make 2 parts of a full cake have varying degrees, how would I go about doing this? Say Rows 1,3,5 are a 60 degree cake and rows 2,4,6 are a 40 degree cake… as in Rows 1,3,5 have degrees from -30 to 30 and 2,4,6 have degrees from -20 to 20.

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    Next question then as it relates to what we are talking about:


    If I want to make 2 parts of a full cake have varying degrees, how would I go about doing this? Say Rows 1,3,5 are a 60 degree cake and rows 2,4,6 are a 40 degree cake… as in Rows 1,3,5 have degrees from -30 to 30 and 2,4,6 have degrees from -20 to 20.


    Make the cake the same way you would any other – arrange the shots of the cake on the timeline with the desired timing and angles > select the shots > go to the Effects menu > Combine as cake. If Finale 3D can’t simulate the cake using a standard firing pattern, it will automatically switch to the exact syntax. The exact cake syntax allows the angle, effect, and timing of each shot to be specified individually.

    Curtis B
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    Make the cake the same way you would any other – arrange the shots of the cake on the timeline with the desired timing and angles > select the shots > go to the Effects menu > Combine as cake. If Finale 3D can’t simulate the cake using a standard firing pattern, it will automatically switch to the exact syntax. The exact cake syntax allows the angle, effect, and timing of each shot to be specified individually.


    That’s what I figured I would have to do… I didn’t now if there was a way to JUST use the VDL language to do this.

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    Hello, I’m having troubles finding a solid looking red plum on the fade to red cake. I was wondering if that effect could possibly be under a different name other than plim? Thanks in advance!


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    Hello, I’m having troubles finding a solid looking red plum on the fade to red cake. I was wondering if that effect could possibly be under a different name other than plim? Thanks in advance!



    Hi Pyro_297730000, welcome to the Finale 3D community! Have you checked out the Glossary of VDL Effect Terms?

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    I figured something out. But would I be ok with using just shells and timing it the same pace as the cakes?

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    Hi Pyro_297730000, welcome to the Finale 3D community! Have you checked out the Glossary of VDL Effect Terms?


    I figured it out. But would I be ok with making the cakes out of shells on finale 3d and just timing each shot to the same pace as the cakes?

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    Hi Pyro_297730000, arranging individual shells (i.e., singles shots, cake shots, etc.) on the timeline is a great way to begin making a cake in smaller, more manageable pieces. Just keep in mind, to enter the contest, you need to submit the complete full VDL for each cake – you can’t submit VDL for individual effects within the cakes. This means you need to create the VDL for the entire cake by going to ‘Effects (menu) > Combine as cake effect’. There are several videos that demonstrate the steps to create cakes this way in the Creating and Editing Effects playlist in the Finale 3D Help Center.

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    Hi Pyro_297730000, arranging individual shells (i.e., singles shots, cake shots, etc.) on the timeline is a great way to begin making a cake in smaller, more manageable pieces. Just keep in mind, to enter the contest, you need to submit the complete full VDL for each cake – you can’t submit VDL for individual effects within the cakes. This means you need to create the VDL for the entire cake by going to ‘Effects (menu) > Combine as cake effect’. There are several videos that demonstrate the steps to create cakes this way in the Creating and Editing Effects playlist in the Finale 3D Help Center.


    Ok, I’ll check that out! And thank you!

    Aaron “The Pyro Man” Michael (Platinum Fireworks, Inc.)
    Joined: Mar 2019
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    Hi, Drew. I have one of the following questions regarding to the rules:


    1. The spreadsheet contains all the details for the 10 cakes you will need to create to enter the contest.

    Q: Is it okay to create all of the real life cakes or just choose one?


    2. Using only Visual Descriptive Language (VDL), make simulations for all 10 cakes listed in the spreadsheet. Your objective is to create simulations that look as similar as possible to the videos of the real-life cakes. The limitation is that you may not use the effect editor. This means that the effects in each cake must be human-readable VDL. In addition to visual similarity (effects, angles, firing pattern, timing, etc.), make sure that your cakes match the information provided in the spreadsheet. For example, if the spreadsheet specifies that a given cake has a size of 1.25″, be sure the cake you create is 1.25″.

    Q: How can I do that if I create a cake in all 10 cakes in the spreadsheet?


    Thanks in advance,


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    Hi Aaron, here are replies to your questions.


    Hi, Drew. I have one of the following questions regarding to the rules:


    1. The spreadsheet contains all the details for the 10 cakes you will need to create to enter the contest.

    Q: Is it okay to create all of the real life cakes or just choose one?


    To enter the contest, you need to create simulations for all 10 cakes listed in the spreadsheet.




    2. Using only Visual Descriptive Language (VDL), make simulations for all 10 cakes listed in the spreadsheet. Your objective is to create simulations that look as similar as possible to the videos of the real-life cakes. The limitation is that you may not use the effect editor. This means that the effects in each cake must be human-readable VDL. In addition to visual similarity (effects, angles, firing pattern, timing, etc.), make sure that your cakes match the information provided in the spreadsheet. For example, if the spreadsheet specifies that a given cake has a size of 1.25″, be sure the cake you create is 1.25″.

    Q: How can I do that if I create a cake in all 10 cakes in the spreadsheet?


    Thanks in advance,



    Sorry, I’m not sure I understand this question. There are 10 different cakes listed in the spreadsheet. You need to create simulations for each individual cake. When you are done, you should have VDL descriptions for 10 separate cakes.


    Aaron “The Pyro Man” Michael (Platinum Fireworks, Inc.)
    Joined: Mar 2019
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    Location: Bacoor, Cavite

    I get that already. Thanks, Drew.

    Aaron “The Pyro Man” Michael (Platinum Fireworks, Inc.)
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    Hi, Drew. I need help, because the response say ” Your response is too large. Try shortening some answers.” How can I submit it already? I’m almost done.

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    Hi, Drew. I need help, because the response say ” Your response is too large. Try shortening some answers.” How can I submit it already? I’m almost done.


    Hi Aaron, are you sure that the effects in your cakes haven’t been customized using the effect editor? When you look at the VDL, do see any characters inside of { } curly braces?

    Aaron “The Pyro Man” Michael (Platinum Fireworks, Inc.)
    Joined: Mar 2019
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    Yes. I see it in the picture below. Below here is the cake I’ve been created from Dominator:

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    Yes. I see it in the picture below. Below here is the cake I’ve been created from Dominator:



    Hi Aaron, yes, the {SIM1}, {SIM2}, etc. means that the effects in your cake have been customized using the effect editor. This is the reason that you’re having trouble submitting your contest entry. For this contest, custom effects are not allowed. Instead of a custom sim, you should have human-readable Visual Descriptive Language (VDL)Visual Descriptive Language (VDL). For example, instead of {SIM1}, you should have something like, “Red Peony” or “Brocade Waterfall”, or whatever the appropriate effect is for the cake.

    Aaron “The Pyro Man” Michael (Platinum Fireworks, Inc.)
    Joined: Mar 2019
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    Location: Bacoor, Cavite

    Then how I created it a cake using VDL?

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    Will the submitted (or winning) VDL submissions be made available as examples for review?

    as an example the crossette effects in Winda’s Criss Cross cake in the supplier library is not well matched but the winning submission for Ta-Dah has a similar effect and it would be helpful to be able to build on these examples to make/improve other cakes.

    generally setting up a section of this forum to share VDL for common cakes or effects seems like an obvious opportunity and I’m surprised I haven’t found something like that anywhere. I’m new to this so maybe I’m missing something.

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    Will the submitted (or winning) VDL submissions be made available as examples for review?

    as an example the crossette effects in Winda’s Criss Cross cake in the supplier library is not well matched but the winning submission for Ta-Dah has a similar effect and it would be helpful to be able to build on these examples to make/improve other cakes.

    generally setting up a section of this forum to share VDL for common cakes or effects seems like an obvious opportunity and I’m surprised I haven’t found something like that anywhere. I’m new to this so maybe I’m missing something.


    Great question. Yes! We will publish VDL for the contest cakes as soon as possible. Having a section on the forum to share VDL examples is a great idea, and I will definitely keep it in mind. Right now, our focus is on improving the quality and quantity of effects in the supplier catalogs.

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