• Good evening.

    I currently have  a 2017 MB pro that I run Finale 3D on.  When I was deciding on using a virtual machine program to run the Windows program on I was given a little bit of advice.  Since Finale 3D using a lot of processing power from the computer it was better to run Bootcamp on the laptop. That is an apple program that you pa…Read More

  • I just created the report using the wiring script and it is perfect..  thank you for the update and support.

  • Hey Drew,


    Thanks for the quick reply.
    Currently I am running the Hobbyist version. The sheet I am printing is for product loading purposes.  So instead of exporting csv then opening excel and moving things around, I will look at the other reports.
    it would be nice to be able to preview the report before saving. Then I could see if what I’m se…Read More

  • Hello Drew,


    I am creating a report for a show using PD. I created a cue sheet and is there a way to change the order of the first two columns?  When it exports pin is first then rail.  We read off the addresses as rail then pin, or Mod then addr.  So mod 10 pin 5 we would say 105.




  • Hello all,

    Let me see if we can get started with a thread of your video that was submitted to the competition. I am excited to see everyone’s work out there and the creativity that you all have.

    My show was titled Star Wars- Episode 2022 PYROJAM

    Sit back and enjoy this battle of good vs evil.

    Here is the link to my video on…Read More

  • Will, Drew-

    I am using Finale3D on my MBP with bootcamp and am running a second monitor for the design tab so that it is full screen.  I know that you made the space bar the play/pause function. But when I type on my script to make a change I have to move the mouse over to the second monitor to “activate” the design tab in order to use the space…Read More

  • Profile picture of PyroScott

    Good Morning, I am looking at the finale chains and in the 3″ “Custom Color Peony Chain-“fast” 4-5 sec – packed 6/10″ is simulating like a salute chain. Is that supposed to be that way or is it a multi color peony chain?

    And second part to that is on the custom 3″ Finale chain – packed 6/10, it is simulating as single colors in a row. so red,…Read More

  • Will and Drew,


    Happy New Year!  I am looking to see if it is possible for a couple of things. This may be happening already and I just don’t know the right way to do it. If so, can you point me in the right direction.


    First- After filtering by a certain value, when I reset remove the filter the program goes back to the top of the…Read More

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Joined: Sep 2019
Posts: 8
Location: Cerritos, California, United States