• That would work, except I believe finale is thinking that is a normal Comet/Mine combo… this needs to be a shell style shot.

  • Looking to make a single shot of the cake “Sky Comet” by Pyro Planet.


    The effect is a 1.2″ bore shell that spits out a blue mine with big glittering comet.


    Thanks in advance!

  • Awesome, thanks!

  • I did try the “make into a cake effect” like you did, but that doesn’t really work.

  • I am creating a database of my effects and want to get everything into the database that I can.


    The item I want to create is a Gerb that last for 40.00 seconds, starts as a gold gerb and at about the 20.00 second mark, changes to a silver gerb. I think the gerbs are like 30mm and would need a 0.2 pft for sure to get the sparks…Read More

  • I was trying to find a way to search for this topic, but unable to find how to search…


    Is there a report (or a way to build a custom report) that tells you how many of each angle is needed at each station excluding the size of each angle needed?

  • Okay, then for now is there a VDL nomenclature for creating just white smoke? or do you have to go in and edit the parameters of the effect?

  • In making smoke effects, is there specific syntax that can be used? I am thinking of 2 different smoke effects…


    1) Colored Smoke “Palm” shells

    2) Consumer colored smoke tubes (using them as a special effect in a show and want to know how to actually get a visual on what it will somewhat look like).

  • Hello to all my fellow pyros!


    I am a backyard hobbyist in the USA. Been doing pyro for almost a decade now and thought it was time to up my game! I am currently using the Pro version for PyroJam to figure out exactly what features I would actually use and so far it looks like Lite will satisfy my craving (for now).


    I have some pyromusicals…Read More

  • Does anyone have a better way of doing lace other than say 3″ Red Ring w/ Dark to Red Big Pistil? Would love if you could just use the syntax “lace” and it knows what to use… I got a fairly good lace by doing “… w/ Dark to Red to Ghost Red” but it looks more like a ghost shell rather than a lace shell.

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Curtis B
Joined: Jan 2023
Posts: 25
Location: Ozark, Missouri, United States