Total found:2391
Sent! I deviated slightly by only tilting to 55 degrees instead of 90, but the rest appears identical. The sweep looks correct in F3D. But in practice, the RED move-to goes the opposite direction expected - pointing the beam backwards (to the audience(. This is the script it generated: #@firmware6,,,,,,,,,, #Trigger Channel,#Trigger Button,#Deadman Button,#Return Channel,#AudioBox Filename,#Script Name,#Disable Firing Button,#Alternate Firing Button,#Alternate 2 Firing Button,#SMPTE Timecode, 1,1,,0,,cobra,,,,, #Event Time,#Channel,#Cue,#Event Description,#Disable Groups,#Fire Time,#AUX Value,#DMX Universe,#DMX Channel,#DMX Value,#DMX Duration 00:00:04.03s,,,UKMH [1200] Move-In-Black // P-01 -- Pan (+0),,,,1,1,21, 00:00:04.03s,,,UKMH [1200] Move-In-Black // P-01 -- Tilt (+2),,,,1,3,67, 00:00:04.03s,,,UKMH [1212] Red Move-To (lg) // P-01 -- Red (+7),,,,1,8,255, 00:00:05.03s,,,UKMH [1212] Red Move-To (lg) // P-01 -- Pan (+0),,,,1,1,149, 00:00:05.03s,,,UKMH [1212] Red Move-To (lg) // P-01 -- Speed (+4),,,,1,5,210, 00:00:05.03s,,,UKMH [1212] Red Move-To (lg) // P-01 -- Dimmer (+5),,,,1,6,255,2.0 END,,,,,,,,,, Thanks Will
Yes, but you need to get your source data as a SHW file (the export format for the Explo Ignition System). All you need to do is the menu item "File > Import > Import into new show > Explo SHW file". That will import your show! After that, re-address the show for PTX. If you only have your script in XLS or CSV format, you can import the show as a "do it yourself CSV" but that would require that you change the column names and convert the data manually. When Finale imports a SHW file, it automatically applies various conversions of the data, since it knows the SHW format.
Hi, I have the following script generated by the Explo software that I need to convert to another system - Pyrotronix PTX. This is just part of the script file that I have in excel. BoxxNo. Explo ( Distance Zündzeit Effektbezeichnung Art.Nr. Type Cal. Schuss Steigz Effektz Preis Gef.Kl. Piece Description 01x70 00:01.1 0:00:00 00:01.0 Aqua green star with gold will 31039 SINGLE SHOTS 1.2" 1 0,1 3 0 1 60 05x70 00:01.1 0:00:01 00:01.0 Aqua green star with gold will 31039 SINGLE SHOTS 1.2" 1 0,1 3 0 1 -60 02x70 00:02.7 0:00:00 00:02.6 Aqua green star with gold will 31039 SINGLE SHOTS 1.2" 1 0,1 3 0 1 60 04x70 00:02.7 0:00:01 00:02.6 Aqua green star with gold will 31039 SINGLE SHOTS 1.2" 1 0,1 3 0 1 -60 03x70 00:04.1 0:00:01 00:04.0 Aqua green star with gold will 31039 SINGLE SHOTS 1.2" 1 0,1 3 0 2 V60 02x69 00:05.7 0:00:00 00:05.6 Aqua green star with gold will 31039 SINGLE SHOTS 1.2" 1 0,1 3 0 1 -60 ..... Is there a way to import the files in Finale, so that I can later change the modules so that they correspond to the Pyrotronix system and generate the script files for the new system? Best Regards Assen Assiko Ltd. Bulgaria
In the search box of the script window, you can type: Pan = 45 or if you want to filter to multiple angles, you can type, Pan = 45 || Pan = -45 or if you want to filter to a range, you can type Pan > 45 Additional search terms are described here: If it helps, you can also click on the Pan column header to sort by Pan. If you hold shift while clicking on the Pan column header, you can select multiple sort criteria, i.e., A then B then C.
Thanks everyone for the advice - I've been traveling, but I'm testing out the recommendations tonight. I will let everyone know what I find.
I would like to accomplish inside of the script window to type in a specific pan angle so it would only show the effects on the pan angle. Its not working for me. I am trying to highlight a bunch of the same pan angled effects that I have created on one launch position with other angles effects and then create another launch position to drag and drop these same angles on. That way when I address the show that specific angle will have its own module.
Hi Bryan, the short answer is YES! You can see your available inventory quantities count down as you design by unhiding the 'Remaining Available' column in the effects window. Then, when you're done designing your show, you can go to the Effects menu and select 'Subtract used quantities from available...' to remove the items in your show from the available inventory. Here's a video tutorial:
While I was at CobraCon I talked with a rep at the Finale booth who quickly showed me how I could see how many an item I had available from show to show. For example, I am starting with 72 Dark Salutes in "My Effects". In "$how 1" I use 22 salutes. I am ready to move on to "Show 2". The "Available" column still shows 72 salutes available. I am looking for a quantity column that shows I have 50 Dark Salutes available for "Show 2". Which Quantity value would do that? It would also be great if the Available quantity counted down as we used effects. I tried this in "Per Show Effects" too. In the Per Show Effects, you have to enter how many of any one effect you have for that show and then just watch as you add to not exceed that amount. But doing that is like rebuilding your inventory for every show. Is there an easier way to do this in Hobbyist? Bryan E Wellington, CO
There isn't currently any setting for changing the way the ASCII-art looks in the script window or in exported firing system scripts. I understand what you are saying, and I think having a setting would be a good idea. Are you referring to reports, or the script window itself, or exported scripts? If referring to exported scripts, what firing system? One option is adding an an export option, if the issue is the exported script. Will
The way it is supposed to work is that you insert two effects -- Move-in-black, and Move-to. The first effect pans to the right 45 degrees. The second effect, slightly later on the timeline (e.g., a second later), pans to the left 45 degrees. Finale animates the beam moving from 45R to 45L. It is important that we are using the term "pan" to mean the same thing. In Finale's coordinate system, "Pan" is a right handed rotation around the Y (up) axis. If the beam is aiming straight up into the sky, then "pan" would not make any perceivable difference because pan would just be rotating the beam around its axis, still aiming straight up in the sky. Let's assume that what you want is the beam to be aiming 45 degrees to the right in the ground plane (horizontally), and to sweep within the ground plane to 45 degrees to the left. In the middle of this sweep, the beam would be aiming straight out at viewer. (By contrast, if you were "tilting" 45R to 45L, then the middle of the sweep would be aiming up into the sky.) Getting the beam to aim 45R in the ground plane requires both "pan" and "tilt". Tilt in Finale is the right handed rotation around the X-axis that points to the right from the viewer's point of view. So tilting the beam 90 degrees aims it straight at the viewer's face, which is where it is supposed to be in the middle of this pan-sweep from right to left. Using both "pan" and "tilt", the Move-in-black effect that begins the sweep should have: tilt = 90 pan = 45 The Move-to effect that ends the sweep should have: tilt = 90 pan = -45 The animation of the beam should look correct in the 3D view, and Finale should export the correct values in the script for the fixture. Below is an example exported script for Cobra using a TomShine 80W moving head fixture. The "tilt" value is 28 for the full sweep, because tilt doesn't change. The "pan" value goes from 21 initially to 149 at the end of the sweep. This looks correct to me. #@firmware6,,,,,,,,,, #Trigger Channel,#Trigger Button,#Deadman Button,#Return Channel,#AudioBox Filename,#Script Name,#Disable Firing Button,#Alternate Firing Button,#Alternate 2 Firing Button,#SMPTE Timecode, 0,1,,0,,cobra,,,,, #Event Time,#Channel,#Cue,#Event Description,#Disable Groups,#Fire Time,#AUX Value,#DMX Universe,#DMX Channel,#DMX Value,#DMX Duration 00:00:04.00s,,,TSMHG80W [1200] Move-In-Black // P-01 -- Pan (+0),,,,1,1,21, 00:00:04.00s,,,TSMHG80W [1200] Move-In-Black // P-01 -- Tilt (+1),,,,1,2,28, 00:00:04.00s,,,TSMHG80W [1212] Red Move-To (lg) // P-01 -- Color (+5),,,,1,6,12, 00:00:05.00s,,,TSMHG80W [1212] Red Move-To (lg) // P-01 -- Pan (+0),,,,1,1,149, 00:00:05.00s,,,TSMHG80W [1212] Red Move-To (lg) // P-01 -- Motor Speed (+2),,,,1,3,157, 00:00:05.00s,,,TSMHG80W [1212] Red Move-To (lg) // P-01 -- Dimmer (+3),,,,1,4,255,2.0 END,,,,,,,,,, If you are getting a different result, then can you create a test show with just two effects (the move-in-black and move-to) to illustrate the problem? Please send the test show to, and I'll answer here on the forums after figuring out the issue.