Time format FPS

Home English Time format FPS

Moises Luis Exposito 2022-06-15 07:29:58
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  • Moises Luis Exposito
    Joined: Nov 2019
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    Hi, I work with a client in fps in this case 30fps and I don’t understand why the column “effect time” is in 30fps but the “event time” is in milliseconds. When a product has “prefire” I have the “effect time” in 30fps but I need to know when the item starts in fps too. Why is it in milliseconds? this confuses me. Is there any way to change this or am I not doing it right. DrewFinale






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    Also would like more options to view columns in matching time fomats

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    Hi Moises Luis Exposito, looping in my colleague Will to provide some background. Will, can you comment?

    Ulf Werner
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    Also for me it would be great if the time columns optionally are showing the time format which we have setup at the Show Settings.

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    I’ve taken this down as a task request (“Add format options for event time in script window.”).  You are right, currently you have options in “Show > Show settings > Set effect time format” but they do not apply to the event time format.  Part of the reason we don’t treat them together is that a number of firing systems including PD use a different time representation for prefire and effect time.  For PD, prefire is in 10ths of a second; for a number of other firing systems, prefire is in 100ths or ms.  Consequently the event times, which are effect times minus prefire times, often aren’t themselves representable cleanly as frames, because they don’t fall on an even frame boundary.  Our formatting options do include the ability to represent fractional frames with millisecond remainders but they are ugly when printed (example: 00:05;11+14).


    So the long winded explanation for why event times are in milliseconds is that I didn’t think people would like the frames representation of them, which would usually have ugly millisecond remainders.


    But it is possible to add this feature, so I’ve added it to our feature request list.






    Ulf Werner
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    Hey Will,

    i just want to explain in which use case i need this……

    I often got cuelists which i have to import as a marker into finale 3d. So for me it would be great to have during the import Dialog “do it your self CSV” a possible to say that the time which i want to import have a special format and that finale


    For the script window i prefer the variant as it is at the moment but i think a generated column which shows the show time format  with the ugly millisecond remainders would be a good addition to have acces to it in the script window and reports.



    Moises Luis Exposito
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    Thank you very much for answering and for putting on the to-do list will help us a lot. Another thing I wanted to comment I am a pyrotechnics designer and motion desinger also and I do video mapping and I usually work the animations in “frames” to make a multimedia show with pyro. This company I work with we also use “FRAMES” for pyrotechnics in the firing times, is it possible to include this resolution like Adobe After Effects does for example in their timeline?

    Thnak you 🙂

    Will DrewFinale

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    I see, that’s great.  Hybrid multimedia/drone/lighting/pyro/sfx shows have so much potential.  Part of the vision of Finale is to enable designers to advance the artistic and creative state of the art.  Supporting hybrid shows is therefore key to the vision.  I am mentioning because of your comment that that is what you are doing, and I want you to know how important that is to us.


    One of the cool things about authoring software for these domains is that the software tools in the various domains have their own UI ideas and authoring paradigms that sometimes can apply to other domains, which may bring some new life and innovation to the other domains that have settled into their own authoring paradigms.


    If you have noticed UI ideas in other software you use, or design paradigms that you think might be usable within Finale, please post on the forums!  Screenshots from other authoring software and an explanation of how the UI works or what is innovative are a great way to initiate a productive conversation.




    Moises Luis Exposito
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    Perfect Will, I will make a list since I use several 3D software, animation for multimedia shows along with Finale 3D and I’m sure there are more colleagues who do the same. There are many options in these programs that can be included or are similar and help a lot to creativity and productivity. When I have some time I will comment on the forum.
    Thanks for your work and attention.

    Moises Luis Exposito
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    Hi, I work with a client in fps in this case 30fps and I don’t understand why the column “effect time” is in 30fps but the “event time” is in milliseconds. When a product has “prefire” I have the “effect time” in 30fps but I need to know when the item starts in fps too. Why is it in milliseconds? this confuses me. Is there any way to change this or am I not doing it right. DrewFinale






    Hi, when this cuestion is posible to fix? I am making new proyects for 2023 and the new updates not inlude thi fix.

    I hope soon.

    Thank you

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    I’m excited to see this too

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    Hello, regarding the need for displaying the event time in frames, I don’t have a schedule estimate yet.  We are in the middle of a large project right now for improving reports and diagrams.  This project will extend into Q2 of next year.  The project candidate that is likely to be next is adding a whole lot of new functionality around SMPTE.  There is some possibility that this frames request could fold into the SMPTE project; and if that happens then the frames representation fixes may come in late Q2 next year.

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