• This is part IV. of IV. Results of a design seminar on firework architecture at the Bauhaus University Weimar.




    I. The Design Seminar and its Results

    II. the collaboration of ArchiCAD and F3D

    III. F3D as a tool for the reconstruction of historical fireworks

    IV. wheels & volcanoes


    During the design seminar, the simulation of…Read More

  • This is part III of IV. Results of a design seminar on firework architecture at the Bauhaus University Weimar.


    I. The design seminar and its results

    II. the cooperation of ArchiCAD and F3D

    III. F3D as a tool for the reconstruction of historical fireworks

    IV. Weehls & volcanoes



    In 1923, at the end of the Bauhaus Week, fireworks were…Read More

  • This is part II of IV. Results of a design seminar on firework architecture at the Bauhaus University Weimar.


    I. The Design Seminar and its Results

    II. the collaboration of ArchiCAD and F3D

    III. F3D as a tool for the reconstruction of historical fireworks

    IV. wheels & volcanoes


    A good design simulation depends on the easiest possible…Read More

  • hello, i’m a pyrotechnician & architect in germany, have been using finals for some time and can’t wait for the coming developments.


    best regards from germany

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Joined: Jun 2021
Posts: 4
Location: Fellbach, Hölderlinstraße 1