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happy new year

With this show I wish everyone a happy 2023

Reply To: I can´t see the preview

That's great to hear! Thanks for posting your findings on driver compatibility, that will be very helpful if any other users encounter the problem.                   Will, Dustin Leary

Reply To: Custom report syntax

Thanks for posting! Here are the current reports/labels resources from the Finale 3D Help Center:   Documentation articles: Video tutorials:   To be fair, the current set of articles and videos is by no means all-inclusive, but it's a great starting point. If you're stuck on something specific, don't hesitate to post the details here so I can give you more tailored instructions.   As a starting point, it's worth mentioning that the report and label customization features are only available in Finale 3D Pro. It is possible to make a few tweaks in Hobbyist, but nothing compared to the functionality of Pro. You mentioned a few things that make me think you're trying to edit blueprints directly. For the most part, we don't have documentation on the syntax for the raw blueprint data because it's really not meant to be human-readable or edited. You also mentioned the need to create sums. At the moment, you get sums or totals by combining rows on reports. For example, a product list report combines all rows of script that have the same part number in order to provide the total quantity needed of each item. Combining rows is currently the only way to display a sum, in the future it will be possible to have a separate line on a report for totals or subtotals.     Here's an overview of creating/customizing reports in Finale 3D Pro:   Part 1 - Select a window In Finale 3D Pro, custom reports are created using the window that contains the data you want in your report. For example, if you want a report that includes information like event times and firing system addresses, then you would create the report in the Script window, because this is the window containing the data. Similarly, if you wanted a report that lists rack quantities, you would create the report in the Racks window. Most reports come from the Script or Racks windows, although there are times when you may need a report from other windows, such as the Effects window or Positions window. As a general rule, always make reports from the Script and Racks windows, unless another window is the only place that has what you need. For example, if you want to create a product list for a show, always use the script window unless you need a specific column on the report that is only available in the Effects window.   Part 2 - Format the column layout Once you've identified which window has the data you want on your report, the next step is to create the column layout. This is accomplished using the blue gear menu to hide or unhide columns, move columns left or right, and adjust the relative column widths. Think of the window you're working in as a kind of report preview. Your final PDF report will have the same columns, column order, and relative column widths that you see in the window. For example, if you're making a report using the Script window and the Event Time column is visible, then the Event Time column will appear on your report. If you don't want Event Time, hide it using the blue gear menu.   Part 3 - Configure and save After configuring the column layout, go to the blue gear and find the menu item titled, 'Save current table layout to report template'. Then, either select 'New report template' or select an existing report. Selecting an existing report is handy because it allows you to use that report as a starting point. Regardless of which option you choose, the Report Configuration dialog will be opened. This is where all report customizations are made (except for the column layout). Here you will find 6 sections that allow you to customize the sort order, combine of rows, add page breaks, add subtitles, set page formatting and add conditional formatting. When you open the dialog, some of these sections will be out of view. Use the scroll wheel on your mouse or the scroll function on your touchpad to scroll down in the dialog. To become familiar with the configuration options, experiment and also look at the configurations for existing reports. When you're done editing, click Enter in the dialog to save. To generate your report, go to 'File > Reports'. To make changes go back to the blue gear in the appropriate window and find 'Edit report template'. You can also 'Select table layout from report template' in the blue gear menu to display the column layout for any existing report. This is very handy when you want to tweak the column layout of an existing report or use the column layout of an existing report as the starting point for a new report.

Reply To: I can´t see the preview

Hi Drew, yes, problem solved :) I have an incompatibility with the last two nvidia updates. I indicate you in the picture my graphic card and the two most current versions of the "Nvidia Studio" drivers that the preview of the Finale3d effects does not work. I don't know if it helps you. I will try when nvidia releases a new update to see if there are no problems.   Thank you very much for answering and helping me. Best regards.        

Reply To: I can´t see the preview

You mentioned that the effects previews were working normally, and then stopped working suddenly. Since the problem was not caused by updating to a new Finale 3D release, we think something must have changed on your computer. The most likely culprit is a graphics card driver update. Do you know if your graphics card driver was updated around the time you started having the problem? Try updating to the latest driver or rolling back to a previous version of your graphics card driver and see if that fixes the issue.

Reply To: I can´t see the preview

ok Drew, I look forward to hearing from you. If you need more information or my hadware or anything else let me know. thank you very much

Reply To: I can´t see the preview

You've done all the right things. I'll discuss the issue further with my colleagues and get back to you as soon as I have another recommendation. It's very unusual that everything else is working perfectly except the effect icons. You're the first person to report this issue and I haven't been able to reproduce on my end.

Reply To: I can´t see the preview

I have tried that and it has not been solved. I've tried uninstalling and installing again and it didn't work either.

Reply To: I can´t see the preview

Got it, thanks. Try 'File > Admin > Regenerate effect icons'.  

Reply To: I can´t see the preview

1- I have the latest version 2022.09.18-6bcfdb886 2- The problem started suddenly, a week ago it was working perfectly. 3- I use different collections made for me, for different clients and also online collections and in all of them I have the same problem. 4- The window design is perfect, I can design a show, I only have problems with the preview effects.