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Reply To: Finale 3D Feature Requests

Site Layout Diagrams   DMX Universe and Channel Bases for the Position Flags We need options to define which informations of a position are shown in the flag. Its clear for Pyro we need most the rail nr and that is what will be shown by default. When we going further into the DMX topic we need option to show universe and the channel bases of a fixture position.   Dimension Flags And to use the diagrams in the future for a exact setup in the future we need the possibility for dimension flags which the user is able to set to specific reference points. For example flags between the positions or flags to a local given reference point to have correct orientation on site.        

Reply To: I welcome opinions and advice

Nice show, Nicola! Great timing and product selection, and nice use of reflective water to enhance the scenery.

I welcome opinions and advice

hey guys give me opinions on this show.

Reply To: Introductions – introduce yourself!

Hi everyone, my name is Nicola and I'm from Palermo, like all of you, I'm a fan of fireworks.

Reply To: Time format FPS

Hello, regarding the need for displaying the event time in frames, I don't have a schedule estimate yet.  We are in the middle of a large project right now for improving reports and diagrams.  This project will extend into Q2 of next year.  The project candidate that is likely to be next is adding a whole lot of new functionality around SMPTE.  There is some possibility that this frames request could fold into the SMPTE project; and if that happens then the frames representation fixes may come in late Q2 next year.

Reply To: Site report with birdview 3D and safetyzones

Welcome to the Finale 3D forum! Yes, the Pro version of Finale 3D can generate site layouts with safety circles, and we're working on other complimentary features right now. Check out this forum topic to learn more:

Site report with birdview 3D and safetyzones

Hi Does Finale 3D make reports like this? It could be really nice to have reports like this based on the biggest effects/ the effects with longest safety zones.  

Reply To: Change Supplier Catalogue

Welcome to the Finale 3D forum! Here are the steps to change or "replace" items in your script:   1) In the Script window, select the row of script that contains the effect you would like to replace. 2) In the Effects window, right click on the row for the new effect and select 'Replace with this effect'. Alternatively, instead of right clicking, you can select the new effect and press 'Y' on your keyboard.   Tip: You don't have to replace the effect in each row of script one by one; you can select multiple rows of script and replace the effect in all of them simultaneously. For example, if your script has ten 35mm Red Comets and you want them to be 40mm Blue Comets, you can select all ten red comets and replace them with blue comets with a single click. If you make a mistake, just go to 'Edit > Undo' or press Ctrl+Z on your keyboard to Undo.