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Change Supplier Catalogue

I create a show using the generic effects catalogue, but now I have picked my supplier. How can I change each of the effects used to the new supplier?

Reply To: Custom Cakes Not Saving/Loading Correctly

Got the MTC show file, thank you. The length of the VDL after combining your custom sims into a cake is over 24,000 characters - that's definitely the problem. There's really no workaround, hang in there for a new release that improves the custom sim compression. For context, we in the middle of a massive project to improve effects, and new effects, and significantly level up supplier catalogs. The project is running behind schedule but we're pushing as hard as possible to get to goal.   P.S. You can customize your display name on the forum from your Profile page.

Reply To: Custom Cakes Not Saving/Loading Correctly

Thanks for the warm welcome and especially for the detailed reply! As soon as I read "character limit", I felt a little like an idiot for not recognizing that as a very reasonable explanation for the issues I was seeing (albeit, I hadn't even looked at the raw VDL data at all yet, but my quick mental debugging had already cornered the problem to something in this realm of issues, yet a character limit never crossed my mind, even though it should have been the most obvious. My brain just jumped way past that, ha). Learning about this known character limit issue makes me pretty confident that's the issue as well, even without knowing more about the system. I should probably add that I'm a software developer so feel free to be as technical as you want. As a funny coincidence, a while before I looked at your response, I finally looked at the full VDL field text from a random effect just out of curiosity and my first thought was "Wow, this is a lot of text. Why aren't they using some better compression or better encoding for this? Huh, maybe these super long strings are a pretty new problem from recent additions or something. Yeah, they're surely already thinking about and working on this."   I appreciate the response and valuable information, but you really don't need to waste your time messing with my effects unless you want to for your own curiosity. I'll send a show with a couple known-problematic ones your way anyway (feel free to completely ignore it if you want), but I'll just work around the problem. I'm just happy to see that there is a likely answer for this and that someone knows what it is, ha. The effects causing the issues have all been complex effects, some unnecessarily inefficient on purpose (ie. using 2–4 launches in a single effect, with 1–3 breaks on each, etc) just to test and familiarize myself with the range and limits of the system.   I'm relatively new to the whole Finale 3D world (large pyro shows in general), so I didn't realize that I've come in right after so many significant improvements, but a lot of things make perfect sense now. It's exciting to see the progress and I'm very interested to see what the future of Finale 3D looks like. Thanks again, Drew!

Reply To: Custom Cakes Not Saving/Loading Correctly

Welcome to the Finale 3D forum and thanks for the very articulate post. I'm 99% certain that I know the cause of the problem you're having, but to be sure, I'd like to have you send over a minimal test case (MTC). You mentioned that the problem is reproducible, which is ideal. For the MTC, just add the custom effects that result in a broken cake to the timeline but don't combine them into cake. Send the FIN file with the custom effects to When I get the show file, I'll select the effects on the timeline, combine them as a cake, and then reopen the show to reproduce the issue.   Assuming my hunch is correct, the problem is a deficiency on our end, in combination with the character limit of the VDL field. It's not your fault, and you absolutely do not need to start over. The long explanation is that we've recently been working on a slew of improvements to the custom effect editor. One of the temporary side effects is that length of the strings of characters that represent custom effects have grown much too long. Therefore, when you combine multiple custom effects into a cake, you can exceed the length limitation of the VDL field. The solution is for us to bring custom effect compression up to date, we just haven't quite gotten to it yet. There's really no good work around for you to employ at the moment. We understand this is a hindrance, we'll get it resolved as quickly as possible.

Custom Cakes Not Saving/Loading Correctly

Hello. I'm hoping someone can help me understand a problem I'm having and how to avoid it. I have various custom cakes made from custom effects. Most of my cakes are fine, but a few always get mangled after reloading them. The effect simulations function fine while the show is open, but if I save everything, close and re-open the show, the cakes load incorrectly. They have all the angles set to 0°, sometimes the timing is messed up, and/or sometimes they revert to a single shot of a default VDL effect and/or have other attributes messed up, but I'm not sure exactly why. It's always the same combinations of effects that cause the problems and everything is consistently reproduceable from the point of creating the cake(s), so it seems to be a problem with these specific effects. The individual effect sims are all still fine outside of the cake formation and I can recombine them into a cake, which works fine, until I save, close, reopen again, and then the cake is back to the same broken state again.   I don't fully understand how the VDL and custom simulation syntax works with each other, but my initial guess is that at some point while adjusting effect parameters, something introduced some junk data into the syntax that I don't actually have 1:1 control over from the effect UI (edge case of inputs, values, race condition, etc?), and throughout creating these various effects and copy/pasting certain sections of effect data among different sims, I've littered some of my sims with this junk that works fine to save and load as an individual effect, until I try to combine specific combinations of these "broken" effects into a cake and load it into Finale 3D, and then something in the syntax becomes a problem and everything falls apart from there.   Is this remotely plausible or does anyone have any other ideas? Does it seem reasonable to salvage my current sims or should I discard any that are having problems and start over with them? Any tips on the first place to start looking for the problem within the effects data? The obvious solution would be to start from scratch with new sims, but I have so much time and effort invested in what I have so far that I would really rather know what the problem is so I can avoid it, if possible.

Reply To: Time format FPS

  Moises Luis Exposito wrote: Hi, I work with a client in fps in this case 30fps and I don’t understand why the column “effect time” is in 30fps but the “event time” is in milliseconds. When a product has “prefire” I have the “effect time” in 30fps but I need to know when the item starts in fps too. Why is it in milliseconds? this confuses me. Is there any way to change this or am I not doing it right. DrewFinale Thanks         Hi, when this cuestion is posible to fix? I am making new proyects for 2023 and the new updates not inlude thi fix. I hope soon. Thank you

Reply To: Importing drone shows question

Thank you. I understand very well. I was able to download and import VVIZ successfully!

Reply To: Importing drone shows question

Also: I just modified the documentation pages with the links you mentioned so when you click on those VVIZ links, the files will download instead of opening up in a browser page.

Reply To: Importing drone shows question

Hello, yes, the "VVIZ" file format as an open interchange file format for drone shows, which Finale 3D can import.   As of today, two drone fleet companies support the VVIZ format: Verge Aero, and Drone Show Software (DSS).  If you buy drone design software from another company, please tell them that you would like them to export the VVIZ format so that you can import the shows into Finale 3D to design fireworks along with them.  The specifications for the file format are here:   We are happy to assist drone companies to export this format or to test their exporters.  Feel free to introduce them to me personally,

Importing drone shows question

Thank you for always providing the best service!   I am unable to download this file. Is there any way to get it? Our company is planning a drone and fireworks show. And we are considering drone show software. Will you be able to import software other than Verge Aero in the future?