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Hola Everyone, My name is Jorge Márquez from Mexico, I have a company called Lux Pirotecnia (29 years). I must say I'm kind of old school pyromusicals design guy. I'm used to structure all the show in my mind before sitting and write the first line of code. But don't get me wrong! I'm not against technology, my background is working on technology applied to solve problems and make life easier for users, etc. and I must say that Finale 3D version is the kind of tool I prefer, the one that lets me focus on what I'm doing and NOT to focus on how to do it! Thank you to all the Finale3D team and its community!
Good news, pressing 'W' and 'Ctrl+Enter' to insert an effect will now fill an empty cue (just like clicking on an effect thumbnail). The fix just hit the website in the form of a new beta release. You can get it by going to On the download page, be sure to grab the latest BETA RELEASE instead of the latest full release.
He investigado este problema y lamento decirle que actualmente no admitimos el módulo Pyroneo DXM. El motivo es que la empresa que fabrica este sistema de disparo no nos ha facilitado la información técnica que necesitamos. Desafortunadamente, no hay nada que podamos hacer sin la ayuda del fabricante del sistema de disparo. I have looked into this issue and I'm sorry to tell you that we don't currently support the Pyroneo DXM module. The reason is because the company that produces this firing system has not provided us with the technical information we need. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do without the firing system manufacturer's assistance.
Gracias por su respuesta. Mira el modulo dmx es este Voy a enviar un correo con información a ver si podemos solucionarlo. Gracias.
Estamos encantados de ayudarle. ¿Puede enviar su archivo Finale 3D show (.fin) a Además, también dígame el nombre del módulo DMX que posee y que no puede encontrar en el programa. We are happy to help. Please send your Finale 3D show (.fin) file to Also , please also tell me the name of the DMX module that you own that you can not find in the program.
Hola buenas tardes, Estoy intentando exportar un show solo dmx pero cuando direcciono el show y elijo algun modulo me dice que este modulo no esta soportado. Yo dispongo de un modulo dmx de esta marca pero aquí en el programa no esta y no lo puedo asignar. Por lo tanto cuando exporto el show no sale ningún evento. Podrian ayudarme? Gracias.
Many thanks for the feedback Drew. I look forward to it being improved at some point in the future and in the meantime I'll continue to do what you suggest, sorting and deleting all the empty cues from the end of the script :-)
Hi Blackbat, thanks for posting. The first step is complete, I reproduced the behavior your described. I don't think we are intentionally preserving the empty cue markers when "W" or "Ctrl+Enter" are used to insert an effect. I'll take this down on our development list as an improvement but I can't say when we'll get to it. In the meantime, you can sort the script by clicking on the various column headers. This will bring all the empty cues to the top or bottom of the script, making them easy to find and mass-delete (as opposed to hunting through the script and deleting them individually). There's also no harm in leaving the empty cues behind, they are ignored when exporting firing system scripts.
Hi Sean, Check out this post:
Please could Drew/Will confirm if this behaviour is as expected? I can add a cue to the timeline by pressing the "i" key. This creates a single blank cue in the script window, highlighted in yellow. If I then change the position selected in the design window by mouse clicking on a new position then the new cue in the script window is no longer highlighted. At this point if I add an effect to the position/cue by clicking a preview image in the effect window then the effect is added to the new blank cue. If however, rather than clicking on the image in the effect window and instead use "W" or "Control-Enter" to add the effect, then a new cue is created and I am left with a blank cue. Over the course of designing a large display I usually end up with a number of blank cues and end up having to go through and delete them afterwards. it would be great if W and Control-Enter add an effect to the new cue in the same way that clicking on the effect image does.